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Wide march in different cities of Yemen in support of Gaza

14 May 2023 - 14:25

Tens of thousands of people in different cities of Yemen came to the streets in support of the people of Gaza this Saturday morning.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Tens of thousands of Yemeni people came to the streets this morning (Sunday) at the invitation of the Ansarullah movement in support of the people of Gaza and chanted slogans against the Zionist regime.
According to Al-Masira network, the main squares of the cities of Saada, Al-Mahhuit, Taiz, Dhamar, Al-Dale'a and Omran witnessed a large presence of people this morning. This evening, a massive gathering will be held in the cities of Sana'a and Al Hodeidah, and already many areas around the Yemeni capital have come to Sana'a to attend this ceremony.
Today's gatherings in support of Palestine are being held under the title of "Masira Ta'ar al-Ahrar" (Blood March of the Free), the name that the Gaza resistance forces have given to their five days of resistance against the attacks of the Zionist regime.
The call to participate in this march was made after Gaza was the target of airstrikes by the Zionist regime for the past five days, the attacks were accompanied by the response of the resistance, and finally at 10:00 pm local time, the parties reached an agreement on a ceasefire.
But in Saada, as the main base of the Ansarullah movement, the rally was held on a larger scale compared to other cities, and "Mohammed Ali al-Houthi", a senior member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, also gave a speech. He said that the people of Yemen will continue to support the Palestinian issue and fight and sacrifice in this direction.
Al-Houthi added: "The Zionist enemy also bombed houses and cemeteries in Gaza, just as we saw in Yemen how the Saudi, American and Emirati enemies were targeting our houses."
He continued to praise Gaza's five-day resistance against the Zionists and congratulated the Palestinians and emphasized that Yemen supports the Palestinian cause with all its resources.
In the final statement, it was announced: "We, as the people of Yemen, once again declare our loyalty to the cause of Palestine and our direct presence on the scene. The power of deterrence of the Zionist enemy has been lost and it will never be able to return it.

Story Code: 270028

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