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The Arab League demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners

9 May 2023 - 8:54

The Arab League held the Zionist regime as an occupying regime responsible for the martyrdom of Asir Khizr Adnan and demanded the release of other Palestinian prisoners from the Zionists.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The foreign ministers of the Arab League member countries spoke about the developments in Palestine in a meeting on Sunday and emphasized their full solidarity with the Palestinian nation on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the occupation of this land and its fixed and inalienable rights.
They also demand pressure from the United Nations on the Zionist regime to end the occupation of Palestinian lands, to stop its aggression and crimes against the Palestinian nation, including killing and arresting Palestinians, building settlements and confiscating Palestinian lands, demolishing Palestinian homes and displacing them, and attacking They became holy places in Palestine.
The Arab League, while condemning the recent aggressions and crimes of the Zionist regime in the West Bank and Gaza, once again called the Palestinian issue a central issue and emphasized on supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and having an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital within the borders of 1967.

Story Code: 269692

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