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Syria returned to the Arab League

8 May 2023 - 9:13

Twelve years after the beginning of the crisis in Syria, after which the Arab League suspended Syria's membership and after the failure of all Western Arab efforts to overthrow the Syrian regime, this Sunday the foreign ministers of 22 member countries, at the Arab League meeting in Cairo without Voting agreed that Syria should return to this union.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to the media of Arab countries, the foreign ministers of 22 member countries agreed today at the Arab League meeting in Cairo without voting that Syria should return to this league.
Twelve years after the beginning of the crisis in Syria, after which the Arab League suspended Syria's membership, now after the failure of all Western Arab efforts to overthrow the Syrian regime, the Arab countries have agreed to return Damascus to the Arab League.
The efforts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq to return Damascus to the Union are more prominent than others. Some time ago, several Arab officials told the Wall Street Journal that Saudi Arabia is trying to return Syria to the Arab League, but these efforts were initially opposed by some of Riyadh's allies. The Wall Street Journal wrote that at least five members of the Arab League, including Morocco, Kuwait, Qatar and (the resigned government of) Yemen, have opposed the re-admission of Syria to the Arab League.
In 2011 and the beginning of the crisis in Syria, this country was excluded from the Arab League. The decision of the Arab League was made today in a meeting behind closed doors and was implemented immediately, and Syrian representatives can officially participate in the meeting from today. In this way, the Syrian delegation will be present at the next meeting to be held in Riyadh next month.
In recent months, Syria's relationship with Arab countries has changed. Almost five weeks ago, the Syrian Foreign Minister visited Cairo after twelve years, and less than two weeks later, he visited Saudi Arabia. A week later, the Saudi Foreign Minister visited Damascus and met with Bashar al-Assad.
Damascus recently resumed full diplomatic relations with Tunisia.
Last week, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Syria discussed the return of refugees, and Syria promised to fight more seriously against drug trafficking from this country to Jordan and other neighboring countries.
According to those in the know, Ayatollah Raisi's visit to Syria put more pressure on the Arab League to re-accept Syria as a member.
In recent months, the Islamic Republic of Iran has resumed its relations with Saudi Arabia with the mediation of China, and soon the embassies of the two countries will be reopened.
Since yesterday, the media, including the Saudi media, had announced the strong possibility that the foreign ministers of the Arab League would agree to Syria's return to the league today.
Earlier, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safadi stressed that Syria will soon return to the Arab League, all Arab countries agree on the need to end the Syrian crisis, and the disagreements are related to the method of this return.
The war between the government and Takfiri groups in Syria has left more than half a million dead and 5.5 million displaced and refugees. Now almost all of Syria is under the control of Bashar Asad's government.

Story Code: 269623

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