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A Palestinian prisoner was martyred in an Israeli prison after 86 days of hunger strike

2 May 2023 - 9:44

News sources reported today, Tuesday, that Sheikh Khizr Adnan, a Palestinian prisoner and one of the leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, was martyred in the prison of the Israeli regime after 86 days of hunger strike.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to the Palestinian Shahab News Agency, the Zionist Prisons Administration announced that "Sheikh Khizr Adnan" died in his cell.
The Ministry of Prisoners and Freed Persons Affairs of Palestine also confirmed that Sheikh Khizr Adnan was martyred in the prisons of the Zionist regime after 86 days of hunger strike.
Earlier, news sources had reported the deterioration of the condition of "Sheikh Khizr Adnan", a Palestinian prisoner in the prisons of the Zionist regime, and the continuation of his hunger strike in the 85th day.
After announcing the martyrdom of this Palestinian prisoner, two rockets were fired from Gaza towards the Zionist settlements.
He, who was arbitrarily arrested by the Zionist regime and is in the prisons of this regime, went on strike in opposition to this action.
Khizr Adnan was taken to the hospital last week after his physical condition worsened, but the Zionist regime did not allow any of the lawyers, doctors or legal parties to contact him and learn about his health condition.
Recently, "Mahja Al-Quds" law firm reported about the serious deterioration of the condition of the prisoner Khizr Adnan, a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement.
Previously, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement held the Zionist regime responsible for the life and health of Sheikh Khizr Adnan and said that this regime would pay a heavy price if he was martyred.
The Palestine Prisoners' Club also recently pointed to the deterioration of Khizr Adnan's condition and warned that he may be martyred at any moment.
However, in response to the martyrdom of Sheikh Khizr Adnan, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad announced in a statement that the Zionist regime will pay for this crime. The statement of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement states: The full responsibility of the crime committed lies with the occupying regime and this regime will pay for this crime.
Previously, the wife of this Palestinian prisoner said in an interview with IRNA that Sheikh Adnan, as always, accused of being a member of the Islamic Jihad movement and a spokesman for this movement in the West Bank, played an active and prominent role in helping the prisoners, the families of the martyrs, and participating and speaking in ceremonies and Various anti-Zionist festivals were arrested.
He was arrested more than 12 times and spent about 8 years in the prisons of the Zionist regime. All these arrests were temporary arrests, and since 2011, they have been detained as administrative arrests (temporary arrests without charge and for an indefinite period) and were released each time after a hunger strike.
According to Sheikh Adnan's wife, since he was arrested in 1999, he had been arrested on only one charge, that of being a member of the Islamic Jihad, helping prisoners and martyrs' families, and being in all areas of the West Bank.

Story Code: 269294

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