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Lavrov: America completely failed in isolating Russia

29 Apr 2023 - 14:02

In a speech to the "World Conference on Multipolarity", the Russian Foreign Minister announced that despite the all-out efforts of the US and its allies, they cannot stop the transition of the world towards a multipolar system.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Moscow's senior diplomat said Washington's and its satellites' efforts to isolate Moscow have completely failed.
According to the Russian TASS news agency, in a virtual speech for the "World Conference on Multipolarity", Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about the failure of the West, led by the United States, to isolate Russia and reverse the world's transition from a unipolar system to a multipolar system. .
Lavrov stated: "It seems natural that the efforts of Washington and its satellites to reverse the course of history and force the international community to implement a "rules-based world order" (claimed by the West) have failed."
The senior Moscow official continued: "I'm just pointing out the completely failed path of isolating Russia that the West has been following."
According to the Russian Foreign Minister, "the majority of countries in the world, which make up about 85% of the world, are not willing to put themselves on fire for the former colonial powers."
Sergey Lavrov is referring to the strong actions and pressures of the United States on other countries of the world to cut off relations with Russia, as well as the imposition of unprecedented sanctions that have been carried out following the war in Ukraine.
Despite the intense pressure of the Americans, countries such as China, India, Brazil and other countries of the world have not accompanied the unprecedented campaign of US and Western sanctions against Russia.
Ahead of Lavrov's address at the conference, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the conference would once again draw attention to politicians, officials, journalists, and academic and cultural figures from around the world calling for a more just and multipolar system.
America, which had a cold relationship with Russia before the start of the Ukrainian war in the fifth day of Pisces 1400, after the start of this war, it launched a campaign to impose unprecedented sanctions against Russia, and at the same time, providing all-round military, economic and intelligence support to Ukraine was on the agenda.

Story Code: 269125

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