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Hassan Kazemi Qomi in a special interview with AVA;

Afghanistan is facing two actual internal and external threats caused by the performance of the government/ Declarative positions are less accompanied by practical policies/ We do not criticize!

29 Apr 2023 - 12:48

The special representative of the Iranian president for Afghanistan affairs and the head of the country's embassy in Kabul, in an interview with the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), in an honest position, considered Afghanistan to be facing two actual threats, internal and external, which have coincidentally come together. On the one hand, the uncertainty of the decision of the leaders of the caretaker government regarding the social rights of a part of the society, which is the result of the lack of a legitimate constitution accepted by the majority, has caused a potential foreign threat during the previous months with an imminent and predictable actual threat, the fate and legitimacy of the current government. Afghanistan will be subjected to all-round systematic pressure. Mr. Kazemi Qomi informed about the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Doha meeting on Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Mr. Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the Special Representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan Affairs and Head of the Embassy of this country in Kabul, in a special conversation with the reporter of AVA in Kabul, on the responsibility of the Islamic Emirate in the international system, which gives legitimacy. He emphasized and said that adherence to the implementation of commitments by the authorities in Afghanistan, including the water issue, is the main demand for establishing stable relations. He pointed out that in addition to the declared positions, objective documents should be implemented and specified by the authorities in the Islamic Emirate, so that the people believe that they are facing a responsible government in Afghanistan.
According to him, the public opinion in the Islamic Republic of Iran is waiting for two prerequisites to judge the sovereignty of the Islamic Emirate; One is the constitution of the government and the other is the tangible observation of this government's adherence to international commitments and treaties.
This prominent Iranian diplomat stated that the government led by the Taliban generally took positions to show that it adheres to international and bilateral commitments and agreements, but the tangible effect of the Taliban's declared positions on the ground has been accompanied by less practical policies and the grounds for dissatisfaction among the public opinion of the Iranian people.
In response to the position of some experts and spokespeople of the Islamic Emirate government that Iran criticizes the internal situation and policies of the current government, he explained: We do not criticize. Our literature is distinct compared to countries that condemn or warn against domestic behavior. With nearly half a century of experience in the Islamic Republic, we describe our experiences with compassionate expression.
Mr. Kazemi Qomi emphasized about the successful government in Afghanistan: today a successful Islamic government; It is a government that does not isolate itself and takes advantage of all its facilities, diversity and national capacity to participate in the international system. Today there are foreigners who are determined to isolate and fence around Islam, it is impossible to dismantle this external fence by fencing inside.
He continued: A thousand years ago, Farabi spoke of a utopia. The era in which he lived was no less than today, but he was rightfully called the second teacher because he created a conceptual image for us. Farabi accepted all human elements in the context of an inclusive society with the right to participate and play a social and political role for each of its parts. This is the right model and answer to the problem that we are looking for today for Afghanistan as a land in the heart of Asia. The proposal to establish an inclusive government, which the Islamic Republic of Iran paid attention to since the beginning of the Taliban-led government, is not an ideal or a dream, but an effort to employ all Afghanistan's capacities in the path of development and stability.
This prominent Iranian diplomat announced the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the upcoming Doha meeting with the presence of the UN Secretary General and special representatives of Afghanistan from various countries and emphasized that Iran's position in this meeting is independent and based on a deep understanding of the realities and requirements that serve the interests of the people. And the government of Afghanistan is also hidden in it.
The full text of the interview of Mr. Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the Special Representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan Affairs and Head of the Embassy of this country in Kabul, with the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) is as follows:
Question: This is your first direct interview and conversation with an Afghan media since the time when the President of Iran gave you the responsibility of the Afghanistan case and subsequently you took over the responsibility of the Iranian Embassy in Kabul. With this introduction, I would like to share my first question about the role and position you consider for Afghanistan. In your opinion, how do the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranian society judge our land?
Kazemi Qomi: This is an important question that must be given a clear answer. in one word; From my point of view, who was related to the issues of Afghanistan for the last three decades, the current Afghanistan is one of the few neighbors that has made a long picture horizon of all the history and identity that represents a part of Iran today. This is not a compliment, because when we look at the current diversity and distinction of the people, dialects, religions, rituals and beliefs of the people of Afghanistan, and we enter every layer and territory, as if into the single and continuous history of the third to sixth centuries of Hijri, We are returning to the golden age and civilization, when we formed a body together in West Asia. Sometimes even to old history I also note: when Indo-Aryan tribes settled in the plateau of Iran and established great states. For example, according to great Pashtun scholars such as Academician Koshef, this Pashto language was one of the branches of the languages of those peoples. Even many Pashto-speaking tribes who moved to the mountainous regions were the ones who laid the foundation to resist the invasion of the Persian Gulf during the invasion of Alexander the Great and stopped the expansion of the Greeks in the east of Iran.
Question: But today's reality does not conform to that brilliant background and civilizational history. Therefore, there should be an answer for the current bitter, difficult and unfortunate situation. How do you analyze the current reality with this attitude?
Kazemi Qomi: You listed some adjectives about the current situation that I can add to their number and put dozens of adverbs on them. But my opinion is that if we build on words, we will unintentionally go on the path of despair. The issues should be looked at fairly; For centuries, we in West Asia have stood against the encroachment and encroachment of foreigners and great powers, as well as the views and opinions of the regressive who profited from the clothes of religion or those who had disruptive behaviors with a modernist and western tone. Yes, in general, the situation is bitter, difficult and unfortunate, but the major part of what happened was caused by the eyes of foreigners, which created these conditions for Afghanistan.
Question: What factors do you consider the remaining small part of it to be?
Kazemi Qomi: Do not doubt, many countries and nations of West Asia were not and are not blameless. For a hundred years, the poem of the great scholar of the East, Muhammad Iqbal Al-Houri, who addressed us all to wake up from our heavy sleep, has resonated in the ears of the people of this region, but it has not yet led to an all-encompassing awakening. He clearly called for the unity and solidarity of the nations of the East, that is, the same people who lived together for centuries. Iqbal has listed examples of cities, languages, races and ethnic groups. But unfortunately, now the lack of that connection, empathy, integration and unity has become annoying. Therefore, I believe that this inaccuracy and unnecessary internal conflict between integrated groups whose solidarity can establish the background of our era's excellence should be eliminated.
Question: What is your model for realizing such an ideal? How is it possible to realize this idea in today's context?
  Kazemi Qomi: First, let's see where the pattern of a prosperous garment that adapts to the requirements of today's conditions and finds its roots in our ecology should be found in our history and our vast and civilizing common land. A thousand years ago, Farabi spoke of a utopia. The era in which he lived was no less than today, but he was rightfully called the second teacher because he created a conceptual image for us. Farabi accepted all human elements in the context of an inclusive society with the right to participate and play a social and political role for each of its parts. This is the right model and answer to the problem that we are looking for today for Afghanistan as a land in the heart of Asia. The proposal to establish an inclusive government, which the Islamic Republic of Iran paid attention to since the beginning of the Taliban-led government, is not an ideal or a dream, but an effort to employ all Afghanistan's capacities in the path of development and stability.
Question: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan says that it has reached this level of participation, so why is it necessary to express this position continuously?
Kazemi Qomi: The reality cannot be hidden. You see, it must be accepted that today, to the extent that the common Hanafi jurisprudence is the basis for the implementation of Islamic rulings for an important part of society, it is appropriate to respect the jurisprudential opinions of others. In the same way that the religious belief has a fundamental dignity, other theological attitudes have also caused the faith of other Muslim people, on the same basis that the conduct of the people of Tariqat has given meaning to the field of social behavior, there are other components that they regulate the way of social interaction. In my opinion, in the next categories of this list, there are age groups, traditions and even gender diversity. Even God has clearly specified the standard of superiority among this diversity of gender and ethnicity and has determined only piety and piety as the means of dignity. Therefore, if we intend to deprive ourselves of this diversity and reduce an all-inclusive attitude to the level of dividing a few administrative positions in the governance structure, we have removed the capacity and power of the great capital that is in the society. Today, a successful Islamic government; It is a government that does not isolate itself and takes advantage of all its facilities, diversity and national capacity to participate in the international system. Today there are foreigners who are determined to isolate and fence around Islam, it is impossible to dismantle this external fence by fencing inside.
Question: How should the Islamic Emirate look at this view of Iran? Are such criticisms constructive in regulating relations between two Islamic countries?
Kazemi Qomi: We are not criticizing, our literature is different compared to countries that condemn or warn domestic behavior. With nearly half a century of experience in the Islamic Republic, we describe our experiences with compassionate expression. We consider it appropriate for the people of Afghanistan, like anywhere in the world, to succeed in establishing their desired system based on general consensus and the participation of the majority. Human, who is created in two natures, male and female, has rights according to his creator, and we must first acknowledge these rights, and then think about the requirements with which rights can be granted. He established a balance in social relations and common traditions among ethnic groups without disturbing them. Imagine if we did not consider such a view. Then, the same colonial nature of the past centuries will mobilize a world against us with new tools and mechanisms, and by adhering to these goals, they will impose their desired laws and requirements under the pretext of Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter.
Question: This is exactly the atmosphere that now casts a shadow over the United Nations meeting in Doha next week. The Islamic Republic of Iran is also one of the invitees to this meeting, so it is as if a unified policy is being formed to create a global front against the Taliban with the issue of women and education. Are Iran's positions on this issue in line with other countries?
Kazemi Qomi: You recognized the space very well, I think your perception is not unreasonable. Pay attention; In humanitarian issues, geopolitical competitions and political attitudes of governments are ineffective. Regarding the issue of women and girls and their education and social rights, today we can clearly see the scope of criticism in the context of organizations such as Al-Azhar and Islamic lands, which I do not want to list, and also in the field of jurisprudence of the Sunni Muslim brothers. The Republic of Iran is an accepted government in the international community and is required to respect its accepted agreements and commitments, therefore, its presence in this meeting, in addition to its neighborhood and regional position, is affected by the responsible fulfillment of its commitments. Of course, you will witness that the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Doha meeting is independent and based on a deep understanding of the realities and requirements in which the interests of the people and the government of Afghanistan are hidden. We strongly and openly criticize the way unilateral approaches are implemented by big governments and international organizations. Our belief is that; the view of humanitarian issues by the United Nations should not be gendered. Also, we are extremely afraid that this path will cause the Security Council to apply more sanctions and sanctions in a new turn this autumn and winter with different measures based on Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter. As you will see, our position in Doha is based on an attitude towards the facts and principles that are not necessarily favorable to the great powers, but we will not become the spokesperson of a particular direction. We believe that every government should independently defend the legitimate rights of its nation with arguments and responsibly according to the interpretation of international laws and laws. This policy was observed by the international community in the defense we had of our nuclear rights under the NPT. Obviously, we hope that Afghanistan will succeed in the path of legitimate defense with an independent position and playing a responsible role. In this field, we will be a supporter and consultant as well as a proposer.
Question: The focal point of the problem is what you mentioned. Today, the countries of the world and the region, even the neighbors, are delaying in recognizing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, so until this important thing is not realized, what is the expectation and hope for the Taliban to be able to defend the rights of Afghanistan?
Kazemi Qomi: The people of Afghanistan employed a large amount of capital during the last century to expel the occupier and resist. They responsibly defended the unity and independence of Afghanistan. Today, the defense of Afghanistan as a member of the international community requires an active, responsible and obliging member in the international system. Here, I would like to emphasize that the assessment of specialists and academics, media people and analysts in the Islamic Republic of Iran, who represent the public opinion of the country, was based on the observation of two prerequisites regarding the key issue of identification following the developments of the last year or so. It is obvious that the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran should formulate its national policies depending on the expectations of public opinion and the will of the nation's president. One of the two prerequisites expected by the public opinion is the revision of the constitution of the government that has assumed power in Iran's neighborhood. Unfortunately, despite months of waiting, such a text has not been published so far, so that it can be widely reviewed and approved by the Afghan people, and the elites in Iran, by reviewing it, will make public opinion aware of the responsible attitude and policy of the Taliban. Today, to introduce yourself in a simple business, you should also make available the rules and principles of your company. You should find out the necessary standards, obligations and guarantees that the applicant needs to accept the authenticity and quality of the product. The existence of a law and agreement accepted by the majority is the first point.
The second very important factor that will satisfy the public opinion is the tangible observation of governments' adherence to international commitments and agreements. Ignoring these obligations is the biggest damage to the authority of governments. Of course, the government led by the Taliban generally took positions to show that it adheres to international and bilateral commitments and agreements, but the tangible effect of the Taliban's declared positions on the ground has been accompanied by less effective policies and has created grounds for dissatisfaction among the public opinion of the Iranian people.
Question: Which commitment and position of the Islamic Emirate of the Taliban do the people of Iran consider as a sign of non-compliance?
Kazemi Qomi: I don't want to be the spokesperson of the people. You, as the media, share this question with the people of Iran, it is enough to ask the people themselves, observe their social behavior. I have many untold experiences, the clearest example is the issue of water. I was invited to explain the conditions of Afghanistan in a social environment among a range of decision-making elites who were accompanied by students of the same population. My speech will certainly be published subsequently. There, I emphasized the requirements of helping Afghanistan today and the values of resistance for independence and expelling the occupier. The atmosphere of the meeting was extremely positive. When he got to the questions and answers, a young man got up and by showing some satellite images, he said that there is a historic agreement between the two countries. His documentation and reasoning were so strong that he changed the atmosphere of the meeting. I learned from other experiences about drug trafficking, crimes resulting from the illegal entry of nationals from the borders under the control of the Taliban-led government, the entry of terrorist elements and their weapons, the irresponsible treatment of a customs agent with a businessman or driver or a prisoner, etc. I will not talk about other small and big examples. During the last year, I have come across many examples of public opinion questioning about the approach of their country, Iran, towards the Taliban. We need public opinion to organize, sustain and legitimize relations. Public opinion is knowledgeable and perceptive, therefore, along with the declared positions, objective documentation should be implemented and specified by the authorities in the Taliban. For people to believe that they are facing a responsible government in Afghanistan.
Question: What do you think should be done?
Kazemi Qomi: We have two duties, In the external dimension; We will remain committed to the implementation of commitments, because accountability in the international system gives us legitimacy. Therefore, adherence to the implementation of commitments by the authorities in Afghanistan is the main demand for establishing stable relations. The reason is clear, we must be accountable to public opinion. But in the context of the interior; The instability and inaccuracy of the previous Afghan government's behavior in this matter made us content to adopt a national policy. We had the experience of Nimah wells to manage surface water on our lands. Now we are studying a big plan using new knowledge and internal scientific power of the Islamic Republic. By improving the irrigation technique and optimizing it, the greenhouse cultivation pattern and using sustainable methods, we decided to manage the available water resources. We will apply educational processes to farmers and residents of the region to manage resources. We will use the capacity of new and renewable energies to avoid water evaporation and desalination of resources, we will replace the cultivation of resistant plants that contribute to our food security, water resource monitoring, smart irrigation, water recycling with techniques and the application of modern science, that we start water purification filters for the return and recycling of polluted water in the life cycle as national and alternative programs. Performing these programs in the domestic scene will prevent others from acting. Of course, we are sorry that some of our neighbors in the east and the west, regardless of the non-fulfillment of bilateral obligations, sometimes used the water tool to score points. In one sentence, we are as determined to stabilize the living conditions of our people as we are to carry out the accepted obligations and tasks with a new and firm determination in the regulation of neighborly relations.
Question: My last question is about the future of the Islamic Emirate. In what form do you consider the enemy and the first threat that may be directed at this sovereignty?
Kazemi Qomi: Honestly; Afghanistan is facing two real threats, internal and external, which have coincidentally come together. The uncertainty of the decision of the leaders of the caretaker government regarding the social rights of a part of the society, which is the result of the lack of a legitimate constitution accepted by the majority, has caused a potential external threat during the previous months with an imminent and foreseeable actual threat, the fate and legitimacy of the current government.

Story Code: 269114

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