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America failed to establish democratic governance institutions in Afghanistan

20 Apr 2023 - 13:47

The Office of the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has said in its new report that the US sought to establish stable, democratic, gender-sensitive and responsive governance institutions in Afghanistan, but failed in this mission.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The Office of the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) published a new report on (Wednesday, April 20) and wrote that the administrations of Trump and Joe Biden are to blame for this issue.
According to SIGAR, while the Trump administration's decision to sign the Doha Agreement and the Biden administration's decision to continue this agreement were immediate factors to accelerate the collapse of the previous Afghan government and its security forces, these decisions also had precedents.
This institution added that the Doha agreement actually weakened the morale of the Afghan defense and security forces, but this morale was weakened in the first place due to corruption.
SIGAR said that the American and Afghan authorities both ignored the issue of the fragile morale of those forces.
The report states that America lacked a long-term, consistent strategy, and still lacked the policies and resources needed to build another country's military almost from scratch.
SIGAR adds that the constant desire of the United States of America to withdraw from Afghanistan made the country's army appear successful by performing the tasks it was supposed to do to train Afghan soldiers.
This is despite the fact that SIGAR said not long ago that he will start his investigations in connection with the activities of the US government in Afghanistan under the control of the Islamic Emirate.
According to this institution, it conducts these investigations at the request of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives.

Story Code: 268767

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