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United Nations: The decision to leave Afghanistan will be heartbreaking

19 Apr 2023 - 11:19

UN officials have said that if they cannot convince the Islamic Emirate to allow women to work in UN offices, the organization is ready to make the "heartbreaking" decision to leave Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Achim Steiner, the director of the United Nations Development Program, told the Associated Press; Officials of this organization are negotiating with the Islamic Emirate, hoping that the current Afghan government will make an exception to the ruling that prohibits local women from working for the United Nations.
"It's fair to say that where we are now, the entire UN system needs to take a step back and assess its ability to operate there," he said.
According to him, if the Islamic Emirate does not withdraw from their decision, the United Nations will leave this country in May.
Steiner said: "I think there is no way out but heartbreak.”I mean, if I were to imagine that the UN family is not in Afghanistan today, I have images of millions of young girls, young boys, parents who will basically not have enough to eat."
On the other hand, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid wrote in a tweet that Afghans have suffered a lot and it is not logical that they should suffer more by limiting their humanitarian aid.
According to OCHA, international aid organizations should stay and provide the necessary assistance to vulnerable groups.

Story Code: 268678

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