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25 killed and 183 injured following the unrest in Sudan; Conflict between whom and about what?

16 Apr 2023 - 10:47

Since early yesterday morning, the atmosphere in Khartoum city and a number of other cities in Sudan has become tense. According to the doctors' union of this country, at least 25 people have been killed and 183 others, including civilians, have been injured in the recent clashes. But who are the parties to this conflict, what is this conflict about and what are the roots of the crisis in this African country?

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: According to eyewitnesses, shootings were heard in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, from the beginning of Saturday, April 15. The sound of shooting could be clearly heard especially from the area of the Sudanese presidential palace. Also, heavy smoke caused by the explosion was observed in the area of Khartoum airport.
The Union of Sudanese Doctors has announced that at least 25 people have been killed and 183 others, including civilians, have been injured following the clashes that started yesterday. But who are the parties to the recent conflict in this country and what is this conflict about?
1- What parties did the conflict take place?
Clashes took place yesterday in Sudan between the forces of Abdul Fattah Burhan, the commander of the army and the head of the Transitional Government Council of Sudan, and Muhammad Hamdan Daghlo, known as Hamidti, the first deputy of Burhan and the commander of the rapid reaction forces.
2- What is the cause of these conflicts?
The power struggle and differences between Hamidti and Burhan are the main cause of these conflicts. According to the agreement of the civil groups and the Sudanese military governing council to resolve the political crisis of this country on 14th of 1401, all armed groups, especially the "quick reaction forces" must be integrated into the armed forces of Sudan in a certain period of time, and no militia group in This country should not be formed.
3- Who is in control of the government of Sudan?
Currently, the government of Sudan is under the control of General Abdul Fattah Burhan, and the transitional government does not have any special power after the second coup of the Sudanese army.
4- What is the root of the crisis in Sudan?
During the 2019 coup by the Sudanese army against the country's government, Omar al-Bashir was removed from power and Abdullah Hamdouk was elected as the prime minister of the transitional government (for three years). Also, the transitional council of Sudan was formed with 11 members of military officials and politicians (along with the army), of course, due to the non-election of the representative of eastern Sudan, one seat is left empty.
The transitional government of Hamdok was formed in August 2019 with the participation of the army and the political coalition of freedom and change (al-Hurriyya and al-Tagheer), and in October 2021, it faced another coup by the Sudanese army. The second military coup was met with protests by the people and supporters of the transitional government, but it did not go anywhere until the Sudanese political and military groups agreed on a 24-month transitional period on 14th of Arc 1401 under the influence of the senior army commanders, which started from the election of the transitional prime minister. will be. But this process has again faced the camp and power struggle of Hamidti and Barhan, and the fate of Sudan will continue to undergo changes.
Clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces militia group have started yesterday. A well-informed source in the Sudanese government told Al Jazeera that a meeting between Al-Barhan and "Mohammed Hamdan Daghlo" known as Hamidati, the commander of the rapid support forces, was supposed to be held on Saturday morning, and before this meeting was held, clashes broke out.
Khartoum International Airport has suspended all its flights following heavy fighting between the army and the Sudanese Rapid Support Militia. Meanwhile, the Rapid Support Forces claim that they have taken control of Khartoum and Marwi airfields in northern Sudan near the Egyptian border and have inflicted heavy losses on the country's army. But the army has not yet confirmed the capture of Khartoum airport by these forces, and the command of the Sudanese army only announced that the rapid support forces are trying to capture the headquarters of the general command of the Sudanese armed forces.
Reuters, citing the Sudanese Doctors Union, reported that it is not yet clear how many of the victims of these conflicts are civilians.
However, Western countries and regional leaders have asked both sides to work together to de-escalate tensions and continue talks to return the country to civilian rule.
The latest reports still indicate the continuation of clashes between the two sides near the Sudanese presidential palace.

Story Code: 268506

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