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Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah: Afghanistan is an eyewitness to the decline of America's power

15 Apr 2023 - 9:40

Sayed Hassan Nasrullah, the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, said during a speech in connection with the World Quds Day, that America has failed and its power has declined in the world. He called Afghanistan an eyewitness of America's failure.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Sayed Hassan Nasrullah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, said in his speech on the International Quds Day: Today we commemorate the International Quds Day, which was named by Imam Khomeini 40 years ago.
He added: Quds Day belongs to all of Palestine and declares the solidarity of the Muslim Ummah and the noble and free people of the world with Palestine, Quds and its oppressed people.
In another part of his speech, he mentioned the decline of America's power in the world and in this regard pointed to concrete examples of this fact and emphasized: America is no longer as powerful as in the past, the decline of America's power is not a claim, it is a fact, and there are various evidences for it. The first witness of America's decline is the country of Venezuela, where all America's plans to overthrow the country's government failed. Another evidence that created an earthquake in our region is America's failure in Afghanistan after twenty years of war and spending hundreds of billions of dollars and heavy casualties and damages.
According to Nasrullah, America is only looking for its own interests in the region and has not entered into friendship with anyone.
In a part of his speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah pointed to the internal developments of the Zionist regime and said: The division and division in Israel was on the verge of turning into a war, if it were not for the intervention of the United States and the trips of its officials. The spirit of fighting and sacrifice for the Zionist regime has greatly decreased.
Referring to the weakness and decline of America's power in the eyes of this country's allies in the region, Nasrullah revealed the content of the words of some Arab officials in this regard and said: Some officials of the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf told us that they are convinced that it is impossible to absolutely support rely on America from their system or government.
Sayed Hassan Nasrullah, referring to the rocket attacks from southern Lebanon to the occupied territories, said: What happened in southern Lebanon was a big incident considering the situation since 2006. We believe that this policy of silence (Hizbollah) has worried and intimidated the enemy and this is one of the results of what happened last week. The enemy that threatens the Lebanese and bombards Syria must remain worried and confused, and this will strengthen deterrence and the rules of conflict. The balance of deterrence has caused Israel's response to be limited and ridiculous.

Story Code: 268441

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