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The General Director of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center:

The people of Afghanistan cannot be indifferent to the Palestinian issue / Quds Day demonstrations provide the conditions for the appearance of Imam Asr (A.J.)

11 Apr 2023 - 9:38

The General Director of the Center for Social Cultural Activities, Tebyan, emphasizing that it does not mean that we are Muslims regardless of the Palestinian situation, says that the people of Afghanistan have shown during their centuries of struggle that they are mujahid, revolutionary and Muslim people and cannot be indifferent to the Palestinian people. He also stated that Imam Zaman (A.J.) will not appear without providing the ground, he said that we are obliged to act in the direction of providing it, and the demonstrations on the Quds Day are a clear and clear stage of fighting arrogance and helping the oppressed, and this process itself creates the ground to That the conditions for the appearance of Hazrat Imam Zaman (A.J.) should be provided.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Hojjat-ul-Islam wal Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), in a conversation with the reporter of DID News Agency, emphasized that Quds Day is not only dedicated to the issue of Palestine, but It is the international day to fight arrogance and support the oppressed; But considering that one of the scenes of serious, deep, extensive and very long history of arrogance and weakness is in the occupied lands of Palestine, and in this land, the first Qibla of Muslims, Quds Sharif and the native people of the region, who are mostly Muslims, are under occupation and the regime In this confrontation, the Israeli occupiers are always oppressing Muslims and they are always disrespecting the first Qibla of Muslims. It is necessary for us to be sensitive to the issue of Quds and Palestine and to fulfill our duties so that first of all, the first Qibla of Muslims is freed from the occupation of an arrogant group. , oppressors and infidels should be freed, and on the other hand, the oppressed people of Palestine should be freed from oppression and tyranny.
Mr. Mazari added that we have a duty to raise our voice for the liberation of Jerusalem and to support the rights of the Palestinian people on the one hand and to fight against the usurping Israeli regime, which is not only the loss and damage of this regime to the occupied territories, but also to the region and the world. .
Mazari stated that peace will be established in Afghanistan and other parts of the world when the evil of the occupying regime is removed, and said that one of the aspects of the struggle is demonstrations, being on stage, chanting and supporting the rights of Palestine and the freedom of Jerusalem and fighting against the occupying regime. It is Quds, and for this reason, the issue of Quds Day is very important for Muslims.
The general head of Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) pointed out that the mujahid and revolutionary people of Afghanistan have always reached out to the oppressed and were sensitive to arrogance, and during their centuries of struggle, they proved that they cannot be indifferent to the Palestinian people.
Based on Mazari's statements; The people of Afghanistan have been sensitive to the Palestinian issues for a long time and have reacted, and even in the past, people tried to collect money and facilities and send them to the Palestinian fighters, and in recent years, that is, the last 20 years, Quds Day has been celebrated here by The Tebyan Center and it was founded and cultured by Tebyan, and currently people are sensitive and concerned about the celebration of Quds Day and want to hold Quds Day and the gatherings of Quds Day in Afghanistan.
Mr. Mazari, in response to the question, what effect did the naming of this day by Imam Khomeini have on the awakening of the Islamic world? He said that Imam Khomeini's Islamic Revolution initiated an awakening at the level of the region and the world of Islam and even freedom-loving human beings, and the occasions that Imam Khomeini, may God's mercy be upon him, named and announced against one after the other, each had its own impact, especially in today's debate. World Quds Day, the first impact of World Quds Day was the revival of the Palestinian people's movement.
Mazari added: "The movement of the Palestinian people was slowly being forgotten, and the real and legal Palestinian personalities were slowly leaving the path of struggle, and the front of the Muslims' confrontation with the occupation regime of Jerusalem was cooling down; But when Imam Khomeini announced the discussion of the International Quds Day, the movement of the Palestinian people took shape again and it became clear who are the Muslim revolutionary Palestinians and their supporters and who are their enemies, and since then, the Palestinian movement has continued to grow day by day.
Mazari stated that today Israel has fully realized that it is under a tight siege, and added that in the recent incident when a hundred rockets were fired from southern Lebanon in ten minutes, the Israeli regime did not have the strength to react at all and could not even show the slightest movement. , showed that the anti-Israel movements from Syria to Lebanon and parts of Palestine are connected and surrounded Israel from three sides - Syria, Lebanon and Gaza - all three sides are extremely strong and armed with long-range missiles.
The General Director of the Center for Cultural and Social Activities of Tebyan also said that Imam Zaman (A.J.) will not appear until the ground is provided and we are obliged to act in order to provide it and follow up on the duties that Imam Khomeini has put forward for Muslims. Because performing these tasks can help us in providing the grounds for emergence.
He added that the day's demonstrations Quds is a clear and clear scene of fighting arrogance and helping the oppressed, and this process itself lays the groundwork until the conditions for the emergence of Hazrat Imam al-Zaman (A.J.) are provided.
Mazari in response to how much potential does Quds Day have to create unity among Islamic nations? He said that it has a lot of capacity, if in the land of Palestine only the group of Sunnis is present in the fight against arrogance, and when in other countries, especially Shiites, they support the Palestinian issue, this in itself provides the best platform for harmony and harmony between Sunnis and Shia.
According to Mazari's statements; As much as the resistance movement of Lebanon is supported by the Shias today, the movement of the Sunni Palestinian people is supported by the Shias to the same extent, and even more so, and this shows that the issue of alignment and harmony is at stake, and if this day is properly celebrated and If all its capacities are exploited, it will definitely be effective for the coordination and alignment of Shia and Sunni, especially in the society of Afghanistan, which until now has always been organized with the coordination and alignment of Shia and Sunni.
It should be mentioned that Beit-ul-Muqadas or the First Qibla of Muslims, the main land of millions of Palestinian refugees, has been occupied by the Zionists since 1948 AD by the usurping regime of Israel.
After the historic message of Imam Khomeini (RA) in 1358 naming the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as the World Quds Day, every year this day is celebrated all over the world and among the entire Islamic community.
On this day, Muslims around the world, by supporting the Palestinian people, emphasize the unity between Muslim communities to confront the global arrogance and the occupying regime of Al-Quds.

Story Code: 268262

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