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Clearing 364 acres of land from poppy cultivation in Balkh

10 Apr 2023 - 10:47

The press officer of Balkh Province Police Command announced the destruction of 364 acres of hemp and poppy cultivation land in the districts of this province and said: 235 drug dealers and smugglers were also arrested.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-e-Sharif: Mohammad Asif Waziri, the spokesman of the Balkh Province Police Command, says that during the past year, the management of criminal offenses and terrorism in this province arrested 1,143 people for the crimes of murder, theft, moral corruption, kidnapping, human trafficking, Forgery, fraud, and electronic crimes were arrested, 133 of whom were women and were introduced to judicial bodies.
According to him, the anti-narcotics administration has cleared 364 acres of land from marijuana and poppy cultivation in Keshandeh, Dawlatabad, Balkh, Chaharbulak, Chamtal, Shoor Tepe, Kaldar and Shulgarh districts in 1401 AH.
The press officer of the Balkh province police added that so far 9,945 men, women and children infected with drugs have been collected from Mazar-e-Sharif city and surrounding areas and sent to de-addiction camps for treatment, of which 9,000 And 46 of them have returned to their families after recovery.
Mr. Waziri said that 235 drug dealers and smugglers have been arrested in Balkh province so far, and their cases have been handed over to judicial courts.
He says; Various types of drugs, intoxicants and narcotics, including a machine for making ka tablets, 1,604 ka tablets, 25 kilograms of glass, 48 grams of opium, 139 kilograms of marijuana, 3,593 liters of alcoholic beverages, 8 kilograms of tablet materials.
At the same time, the officials and people of the Northern provinces have welcomed the order of the leader of the Islamic Emirate to prohibit the cultivation of any kind of drugs and have taken serious measures to destroy them.

Story Code: 268219

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