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The conflict between the police and the municipalities in Germany has increased over the acceptance of refugees

9 Apr 2023 - 12:18

While the Federal Minister of the Interior of Germany rejects the imposition of restrictions on the acceptance of refugees and financial aid to the states of this country for this purpose, this position has provoked the anger of the German Federal Police Union and managers and municipalities.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The German Focus magazine wrote in a report: "Nancy Pfizer", the Federal Minister of the Interior of Germany, has rejected immigration restrictions despite the sharp increase in the number of asylum seekers in Germany. However, he is skeptical about requests from municipalities for more money to help refugees. Now this position of the German Federal Minister of Interior has been criticized by the police union.
According to Tasnim, last Thursday, Nancy Pfizer, the Federal Minister of the Interior of Germany, clearly said in an interview that she rejects limiting the influx of refugees. He considered it strange that municipalities are afraid that there may not be enough money to help refugees this year. According to him, however, the German federal government made available 4.4 billion euros last year and also took over social benefits for refugees from Ukraine.
These statements of the Federal Interior Minister of Germany have angered the Federal Police Union. Heiko Tegatz, head of the Federal Police Union, told the Bild newspaper: "It is scandalous to hear such statements from the German Federal Minister of the Interior, whose main political duty is to protect the German people from dangers and crimes."
  According to the data of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, since the beginning of March, 54,333 asylum applications have been submitted in this country throughout the year. This number is probably even higher now. This statistic also does not include any refugees from Ukraine. These mainly include refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Türkiye. In addition, the number of first-time asylum applications increased by 85% compared to the same period last year. However, when asked how many refugees Germany could still handle, Pfizer only pointed to people from Ukraine.
Given the current situation, Tegatz, head of the police union, now warns of a clear loss of reality. According to him, the current refugee policy of the Federal Minister of the Interior endangers the public security of Germany. He emphasized: Without border protection, without restrictions and without more money for municipalities, a dangerous cocktail will be created that will change the mood of the country and fuel international crimes in Germany.
A look at the refugee situation report by the German police shows that currently most of the asylum seekers come to Germany through the Mediterranean route. According to this, illegal immigration from this route has recently increased by 225% compared to the same period last year. The influx through the eastern route has increased by 145%. Citizens from Ukraine are still not included here.
Manuel Ostermann, the vice president of the Federal Police Union, is now demanding that there should be a clear distinction between refugees and migrants. "Recognized refugees need our help," Osterman said. The unlimited acceptance of immigrants is unrealistic and has nothing to do with humanitarian responsibility.
In this situation, Christian Lindner, the German Federal Minister of Finance, has given the federal states little hope for additional federal funds to care for refugees.
Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has defended the amount of federal funds currently available to the states for this purpose in the dispute over the care of the many refugees in the country, saying: "The German federal government currently provides the states with extensive support. he does.
He emphasized: From a financial point of view, the states are in a better situation than the federal government, which had to pay huge debts due to crises and is facing huge challenges. In this regard, the federal government should actually seek support from the federal states and not the other way around, Lindner said. At the federal state summit with German Chancellor Olaf Schulz on May 10, refugee costs are to be discussed.
Representatives of the federal states, municipal associations and the opposition have criticized the recent comments of Nancy Pfizer, the federal minister of the interior. Pfizer explained that at this point in time, he could not understand municipalities asking for more money from the federal government to house refugees and immigrants.
Nancy Pfizer, the German Federal Minister of the Interior, has spoken against limiting the influx of asylum seekers. He said in a speech: We are experiencing a terrible war in the middle of Europe. Eight out of ten refugees come from Ukraine. He told Funke Media Group: There is no upper limit for humanity. But I know that the situation of the municipalities is very difficult at the moment. That's why we work very closely together to manage the situation together.
More and more asylum seekers are always coming to Germany, but it seems that the political arena is as immersed in this crisis as it was in 2015. Citizens and local politicians are disappointed with the government.
In 2022, more than 244,000 foreigners applied for asylum in the country, most of them from Syria and Afghanistan. More people were admitted last year than in 2015 if you count the more than one million Ukrainians who fled to Germany because of the Russian war.
According to experts, this trend will continue in 2023.
In January and February, the relevant institutions in Germany approximately 5900 0 registered asylum applications, which is about 1,000 applications per day, which is an increase of almost 74% compared to the same period last year. If you extrapolate the numbers, around 350,000 or more refugees could arrive in Germany by the end of the year, with a very small number coming from Ukraine and the majority from the Middle East.
As in 2015, municipalities and states feel that Berlin has left them alone in this crisis. In many places there is a shortage of everything: housing, kindergarten and school places, language courses, rapid integration into the labor market. Above all, there is a dearth of good ideas on how to overcome all the problems.
Mayors and district managers complain that they can no longer cope with these conditions. But their requests for help from the chancellor are also hopeless and as a rule, he does not even respond to such letters.
Alexander Trum, the spokesman for the internal policy of the Union of Christian United Parties in the German Parliament, immediately warns: Germany and Europe are slipping deeper and deeper into a new immigration crisis.

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