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In the statements of Imam Khamenei;

Signs of the weakening of the anti-Iranian front in the new world order; Weakness, bipolarity and crisis from America to the Zionist regime

7 Apr 2023 - 13:08

Hazrat Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace), the leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a speech to the senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, considered the political developments in the world to be very fast and at the same time to weaken the front of the enemies of this country and said: in order to take advantage of this opportunity, we must foreign policy to increase our mobility and initiative and activities.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: In expressing the signs of the weakening of the anti-Iran front in the new world order of the future, he said: one of the most important opponents of Iran in the world is the United States, which the facts show is that Obama's America is better than Bush's America, and Trump's America is better than Obama's America and this man's America is weaker than Trump's America.
In the same context, Imam Khamenei reminded: the bipolarity created in the American elections two or three years ago still exists strongly, the United States has not been able to solve the crisis of the Zionist regime, the United States had announced that it intends to create a united Arab front against Iran, but Today, the opposite of what he wanted has happened and the Arab group's relations with Iran are increasing, while America wanted to end the nuclear issue according to its plan with political pressure and sanctions, but it could not.
He went on to state the examples of America's weakness and pointed out: America started the war in Ukraine, but this war has caused a distance between this country and its European allies, who are actually suffering from the war, but America is profiting from it.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: America considers Latin America as its backyard, but many anti-American governments have come to work there. In addition, America wanted to overthrow Venezuela and they even created a fake president for it with money, weapons and army, but it failed.
The weakening of the US dollar in the way that some countries are trading with each other's national currencies was another example that he said citing their collection: therefore, America, which is at the head of the enemies of the Islamic system, is weakening.
Regarding the Zionist regime, which is the other enemy of the Islamic Republic, he also pointed out that this regime has never faced such terrible problems as today during its 75-year life, and gave examples of its turmoil and collapsing state and said: The Zionist regime is in a state of collapse. It has a political system and in four years, it has changed four prime ministers, the party coalitions in it are not formed, they are disintegrating, there is a strong bipolarity throughout the fake regime, as evidenced by the demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in some cities, and that they want to use a few rockets.
Referring to the publication of materials about the number of people leaving Israel that will soon reach two million, Imam Khamenei considered the successive warnings of the Zionist authorities about the near collapse of this regime as another sign of the weakening of the Zionists and said sarcastically: We said that they will not see another 25 years, but it seems that they are in a hurry and want to leave sooner.
He called the doubling of the power of Palestinian groups and the arrival of Palestine in Oslo and the disgrace of Yasser Arafat to the Palestine of the Lions of Resistance as other signs of the weakening of the anti-Iranian front and the strengthening of the resistance front.
In another part of his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution talked about the conspiracies of the enemies inside Iran and said: There have been and will be conspiracies inside the country, such as last year's riots, which were carried out under the pretext of the women's issue and with the support of Western spy agencies.
Referring to the miserable and insecure situation of women in western countries, he pointed out: In some of these countries, women, by their own admission, are not safe in the street or in the camp or in the military forces, and even for example, the veiled Muslim woman who came to the court to file a complaint. is, with the blow of the plaintiff, he is killed and martyred, they draw a line and mark for the Islamic Republic, which values the highest dignity for women.
Referring to the deception of a number of people in the events of last year in Iran, Imam Khamenei said: Some inside who were often deceived, following the foreign enemy and traitorous people outside the country, chanted the slogan of women's freedom, instead of speaking calmly and reasoning.
In explaining the legal and sharia requirement of the Islamic hijab, he said: In the issue of covering, hijab is a sharia and legal restriction, not a government restriction, and removing the hijab is both sharia and political haram.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized that many of those who discover the hijab are not aware of the incitement to do so, that is, the enemy's spy agencies, and said: If they knew who and what organizations are behind the discovery of the hijab and the fight against the hijab, they would not do this. , because many of them are people of religion, supplication, Ramadan and prayer.

Story Code: 268070

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