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Working for God's pleasure, humility and generosity, human-building lessons from the life of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (a.s.)

6 Apr 2023 - 14:38

At the same time as the 15th day of Ramadan, the anniversary of the birth of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (peace be upon him), religious scholars in Balkh stressed that Imam Mojtaba (peace be upon him) is a perfect human being who has all the virtues in his presence. They added that all the behaviors and movements of Imam Hassan (a.s.), including the priority of doing things for the pleasure of God, his gentleness, generosity, and kindness, play an important role in self-building, human development, and community building.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-Sharif: Sayed Qasim Sajjadi, an expert on religious issues in Balkh, told Ava about the status and life of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (peace be upon him) that the pleasure of God was the priority of his life and all his actions were for the pleasure of God.
According to him, working for the pleasure of God in the life of Imam Hassan Mojtaba, peace be upon him, is a great lesson for us that if God's pleasure is the priority of our lives, without a doubt, the lamps of light will shine in our hearts and we will see the truths of the world well.
This religious scholar added: Imam Hassan Mojtaba (peace be upon him) is a speaking Quran, and the entire Quran was practical in his life.
Mr. Sajjadi said that courage is one of the other outstanding qualities of Imam Mojtaba (peace be upon him). In the history, we have a man from Syria who insulted that Prophet, but he treated him with compassion and as a result, that person became a Muslim.
He emphasized that Imam Mujtaba (peace be upon him) has taught us that some people in the society are influenced by bad propaganda and as a result they become pessimistic towards Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and there is a need to deal with them consciously in order to be aware of the facts.
Mr. Sajjadi said that Imam Mojtaba (peace be upon him) is a perfect human being that God's grace has come down to the world through his grace and all good deeds have been gathered in his presence.
He added that according to the traditions of His Holiness's love, the permission to enter heaven and following the example of His Holiness' life is a source of happiness for the world.
Zahra Ahmadi, a seminary professor in Balkh, also said that the hadiths and narrations narrated by Imam Mojtaba (peace be upon him) are so deep and full of meaning that they save people from the vortex of ignorance and guide them towards knowledge and truth.
Mrs. Ahmadi added: Here I am referring to a hadith of the Prophet that if a person follows it, he will undoubtedly be happy in this world and the hereafter. That Imam said: I recommend you to God's piety and constant thinking, because thinking is a good parent.
According to him, the Qur'an has always ordered man to think, and Imam Hassan Mojtaba, peace be upon him, who is an interpreter of the Qur'an, has explained this important Qur'anic issue very well.
Imam Hassan Mojtaba (a.s.) was born in Madina on the 15th of Ramadan in the third year of Hijrah. He was seven years old when the Prophet passed away. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Mojtaba (a.s.) ascended to the Imamate on 21 Ramadan 40 A.H. and according to the famous history, he was martyred on 28 Safar 50 A.H.

Story Code: 268047

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