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Discrimination Has No Place in Islamic Emirate

5 Apr 2023 - 11:27

Deputy Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in a meeting with a number of elders and members of the Baloch Council of Afghanistan, said that discrimination and bigotry have been curb and Afghans enjoy equal rights.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, The head of Baloch council, Sardar Ghulam Nabi, on behalf of their council asked the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, to address the problems of Baloch community in different sectors, mainly in the sector of education and health.

They said that in the ex-administration, some powerful armed people in the north of the country have usurped the lands and properties of the Baloch people, which should be delivered back to them.

For his part, Mawlavi Kabir called Afghanistan the common home of all Afghans, said that there is no place for discrimination and bigotry in the Islamic Emirate and Afghans enjoy equal rights.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed to balanced development and will be rebuilt in the Baloch areas like other provinces and urgent measures will be taken to address the problems of the Baloch community in the country, he added.

Story Code: 267969

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