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AVA News Agency contributes to the spread of Islamic culture in the country/ The media community of Afghanistan is proud of the activities of AVA News Agency

18 Mar 2023 - 16:08

At the same time as the 21st anniversary of the establishment of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and the 27th National Day of Journalists, media activists stressing that AVA News Agency has contributed to the spread of Islamic culture in Afghanistan with real enlightenment, they say that the media community of Afghanistan is proud of the activities of AVA News Agency.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Mina Habib, the head of the Roydadha News Agency, said in an interview with Ava that the media community of Afghanistan is proud of AVA News Agency, because the journalists of this media are professionals and prepare their reports and news with the right standards of news writing.
The official of the Roydadha news agency also said, "I personally, when I want to read a news, I first open the website of Ava news agency. They really prepare reports that are so acceptable that it is indescribable, that is, AVA reporters have a special skill in writing reports."
This media activist stated that the officials of all the media and journalists confirm that AVA news agency prepares news impartially, therefore it has maintained its position among the people and the media community is satisfied with this news agency.
Referring to the 20-year-old terrorist attack on the offices of AVA news agency and Tebyan center in Mazar-e-Sharif, which led to the martyrdom of two journalists of AVA news agency, he said: The media community of Afghanistan is affected by the martyrdom of two reporters of AVA news agency who lost their sweet lives in the field of information.
According to Mina Habib, in the past years, with the arrival of the 27th National Journalists' Day, the journalists' defense organizations received huge sums of money from international organizations, but only one certificate of appreciation was given to the journalists.
This media activist asked the Islamic Emirate to ensure the safety of journalists' lives in the meetings, in order to prevent the killing of journalists, who are the country's greatest asset.
Sayed Zaman Sadat, one of the journalists in Kabul, said: The media that were supported by Western countries and NATO during the republic, sought to promote Western culture in Afghanistan.
While congratulating the 21st anniversary of the founding of the Afghan Voice of Afghan Agency (AVA, this reporter added that the AVA news agency has faced many ups and downs during the past 21 years and has overcome various challenges, but after two decades of its activity, it is still a The news agency is successful, which can serve the people of Afghanistan.
According to Seyyed Zaman Sadat, in the current situation, journalists are facing job and life insecurity, and it is the duty of the government and journalists' defense institutions to solve these two major problems.
However, Rahmatullah Baghban, one of the journalists in Kabul, said in an Ava interview: "Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) has been the center of explanation for popular and cultural institutions, which has always been at the service of the Afghan people with accurate information."
This cultural and media activist says that AVA News Agency has contributed to the spread of Islamic culture with real enlightenment.
  He also added that we appreciate AVA news agency and its employees and wish them success.
He considered the lack of access to information and economic issues to be the greatest challenge for journalists in the current situation, and emphasized on the solution of these challenges by the Islamic Emirate and organizations protecting journalists.
According to Baghban, the people of Afghanistan are in favor of media such as AVA news agency, Tamdan TV, etc., which consider Islamic and national values and carry out their media mission correctly.
Journalists and media figures are celebrating the 21st anniversary of the establishment of AVA news agency and the 27th anniversary of National Journalists' Day, in which 2 journalists of AVA news agency were martyred and more than 37 others were martyred in the terrorist attack on Saturday, 20 days ago, on the offices of AVA news agency and Tebyan center. Among them, 15 journalists from different media were injured in Mazar-e-Sharif.

Story Code: 267111

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