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Dr. Badamchian in a conversation with Hojjat al-Islam Wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari;

Daesh's focus on Tebyan center and the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) shows the importance of their work and the influence and magnitude of their movement

15 Mar 2023 - 16:26

Secretary General of Mutalfa Islamic Party, one of the great and Islamic revolutionary and Islamic parties in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the world, on a phone call to the head of the Tebyan and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), said: that the focus of the ISIS terrorist group is on Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) Shows the importance of the work of these two institutions and the influence and magnitude of their movement, he pointed out: Martyrdom makes a movement strong and powerful, if the enemy kills us, we become stronger and in this context, according to the statements and guidelines of Imam Khomeini (RA).

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Dr. Asadullah Badamchian on Tuesday, March 15, in telephone conversation with Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, while pointing out that the focus of the ISIS terrorist group is on Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) Shows the importance of the work of these two institutions and the influence and magnitude of their movement, he pointed out: Martyrdom makes a movement strong and powerful, if the enemy kills us, we become stronger and in this context, according to the statements and guidelines of Imam Khomeini (RA).
In terms of providing security for cultural and media centers in Afghanistan, especially Tebyan Center and AVA News Agency, he demanded that these two institutions take care of themselves on the one hand, as well as the government on the other hand.
Dr. Badamchian emphasized that the organization of Tebyan Center should be supported more by believers and liberals.
In addition to this phone call, the Secretary General of Iran's Mutalfa Islamic Party issued a statement today Wednesday (March 24) while condemning the terrorist attack at the representative office of Tebyan Center and AVA News Agency in Mazar-e-Sharif, and said that the enemies of Islam are the designers and supporters of these crimes against Muslims.

The full text of the statement of the Mutalfa Islamic Party of Iran is as follows:
In the name of Allah
As the news of the martyrdom and injury of a number of journalists who were attacked by a suicide attack while covering the "Role of the Media in Promoting Mahdism Culture" ceremony at the representative office of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and the AVA News Agency in Mazar-e-Sharif caused great grief and sorrow.
This is not the first time that the innocent people of Afghanistan and the region are victims of brutal un-Islamic and anti-human acts and innocent blood is spilled on the ground in the name of religion.
Undoubtedly, these barbaric behaviors have nothing to do with the merciful religion of Islam and the ideals of humanity. And now it has become clear that the enemies of Islam are the designers and supporters of these crimes against Muslims, and Islam and Islamic jurisprudence definitely hate these crimes.
The Mutalfa Islamic Party expresses its condolences to the blessed presence of Hazrat Baqiyyah al-Azam (a.j.) and also to the noble and oppressed people of Afghanistan for this grave tragedy.
It is hoped that the darkness of the world will end with the dawn and the dawn of the savior of mankind, and that the morning will appear as soon as possible.
May the Almighty Allah rest the pure souls of the martyrs of this tragedy with the Amir-ul-Momineen (a.s.) and grant the injured a speedy recovery, and may the time of hardship and suffering of these honorable people end as soon as possible.
Secretary General of Mutalfa Islamic Party
Dr. Badamchian
March 15, 2023
There are close connections between Afghanistan's Tebyan Center and the Mutalfa Islamic Party in Iran, as two currents and organizations supporting the axis of resistance.

Story Code: 267002

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