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Top Daesh Commander Killed in Afghanistan

23 Feb 2023 - 13:50

A report said that, a top Kashmiri commander of the Khorasan Brach of ISIS has been killed in Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The senior commander Ejaz Amin Ahangar, known as Abu Osman Al-Kashmiri, is a senior member of the Islamic State of Khorasan in the southern province of Afghanistan.

According to intelligence authorities and members of his family, Abu Osman is thought to have been slain in southern Afghanistan. He is accused of being the leader of an Islamic State cell responsible for a string of suicide attacks by Indian nationals in Kabul and Jalalabad.
Abu Osman was previously a part of the “Mujahideen Movement” in Kashmir, Pakistan. In 2015, he eventually joined ISIS after initially joining Al-Qaeda.
Recently, the group has increased their attacks in different parts of Afghanistan, particularly Kabul city, targeting Islamic Emirate officials and foreign nationals and people.

Story Code: 265941

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