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Expulsion of the Zionist delegation from the African Union meeting

21 Feb 2023 - 11:41

In a statement, Lebanon's Hezbollah appreciated the action of the African Union to expel the Zionist delegation from the recent meeting in the capital of Ethiopia.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The 36th African Union Summit was recently held in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia and before the event, some countries had demanded to cancel the membership of the Zionist regime as an observer member.
The Secretariat of the African Union had withdrawn its invitation to the Zionist regime to participate in the meeting before holding the meeting due to pressure from Algeria and South Africa.
However, the Zionist regime's delegation secretly entered the hall in the middle of the meeting, which was led out of the meeting hall by the security forces and protested by some members.
According to the Iran Press news agency, the statement of the Lebanese Hezbollah's Arab and International Relations Committee states: What happened in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is a confirmation of the fact that all efforts to normalize relations between some Arab countries and this criminal regime are nothing more than a mirage. It will not gain the satisfaction of the nations of this nation.
Hezbollah also praised the courageous stance of Algeria, which led to cooperation with the South African country in taking this step.
Hezbollah also emphasized: This action shows the truth of Algeria's national position against normalization with the Zionist enemy.
The 36th meeting of the heads of the African Union started on Saturday with the slogan "Accelerate the creation of the African Free Trade Area".

Story Code: 265829

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