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Ukraine considered France's attempt to stop the war a waste of time

20 Feb 2023 - 13:42

Vladimir Zelensky called France's attempt to negotiate with Russia to stop the war in Ukraine a waste of time.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with an Italian newspaper: Macron (President of France) is wasting his time. Negotiation [with Russia] will be useless.
He continued by stating that "Moscow's approach is unchangeable" and said: "If they [the Russian government] have decided to separate themselves from the world with the dream of reviving the Soviet empire, then we have done nothing." It is up to them to choose to cooperate with the global community based on mutual respect.
In an interview with "Corriere della Sera" newspaper of Italy, the President of Ukraine claimed Russia's isolation, not because of Western sanctions, but because of Putin's decision to start a war.
According to this report, on Friday, after emphasizing the strengthening of support for Ukraine at the Munich security meeting, French President Emmanuel Macron said in separate conversations that he did not believe in regime change in Russia and that he believed there was still an opportunity to solve the crisis in Ukraine through democracy.
He also stressed that there is no alternative to returning Russia to the negotiating table, stating that Paris is looking for "the defeat of Russia in Ukraine, not its complete destruction."
In this interview, Zelensky reacts to Macron's talk about the end of the war through democracy and negotiation. Last night, in his nightly video message, he claimed that Russia had suffered heavy casualties in the Donbas region, which is currently the scene of a conflict between the military forces of the two sides.
Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, also yesterday, in response to the French President's statement, pointed out to Macron the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte [Great Emperor of France] to Russia and said that Macron should not forget the fate of Napoleon.
According to Reuters, the French President's political approach to the war between Russia and Ukraine has drawn criticism from many of Paris's allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), so that some consider France to be the weak link in the Western alliance against Russia.
Last month, before his short trip to Paris, Zelsenki said that the French president's strong stance against Russia shows that his approach has changed significantly.

Story Code: 265778

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