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The representatives of the Afghanistan Railway Department went to Uzbekistan

8 Feb 2023 - 14:01

According to the announcement of the press office of the country's railway administration, a delegation consisting of representatives of the economic deputy of the ministry, the national procurement department and the finance ministry has gone to Uzbekistan with the aim of transferring the responsibilities of the Hiratan-Mazar-e-Sharif railway to the Afghani side.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The delegation of the country's railway administration, which is managed by Mullah Bakht-ur-Rahman Sharaf, the head of that administration, went to Uzbekistan today.
The purpose of this trip is to finalize the process of transferring the responsibilities of the Hairatan-Mazar-e-Sharif railway to the Afghan side.
According to the information of the press office of the Railway Administration to Bakhtar News Agency; the composition of this delegation includes representatives of the Economic Vice-Chancellorship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Directorate of National Procurement and the Ministry of Finance.
It is said in the newsletter that during this trip, there will be detailed discussions regarding the transfer of the responsibilities of the Hairatan-Mazar-e-Sharif railway line to the Afghanistan Railway Department and the finalization of the transfer agreement with that country.
The officials of this department hope that after the signing of the contract between the two countries, the process of transferring commercial goods from the railway line of Hairatan-Mazar-e-Sharif will start again.

Story Code: 265146

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