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Mexico sent a team of search dogs to Turkey

8 Feb 2023 - 12:02

Following the deadly earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Mexico sent its rescue dog team to Ankara on a special plane.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Some of these dogs became famous by saving several people during the terrible earthquake of 2017 in Mexico.
Due to its extensive experience in providing relief to earthquake victims, Mexico has experienced rescue and relief teams that, in addition to domestic missions, use them to help victims of major earthquakes in the world.
The special earthquake relief and rescue team of Mexico is a unit of the navy of this country. The team sent by Mexico does not only include dogs and their trainers who are naval officers of this country.
The group known as Topos de Tlatelolco (Topos Tlatelolco), a highly experienced civilian relief team, has also left for Turkey.
This team contains trained and highly skilled volunteers who announced to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico that they are ready to be sent to Turkey.
Another team from the Mexican Red Cross, which also has several rescue dogs, has also gone to Turkey.
Mexico is not the only country that has sent its rescue dogs to help the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Libya, Poland, Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States have sent similar teams of dogs and their trainers to Turkey to identify and rescue the remains.
Usually, these dogs are used in areas where the movement of heavy earthmoving machines may cause further collapse and damage to the injured under the debris.
These dogs are trained in such a way that they bark as soon as they find the injured under the debris or start to move away the dirt and debris where the injured remain under it.
They do this by using their strong sense of smell.
Although they may track the scent of the dead as well as the injured survivors, Mexican officials say they hope these dogs can "save lives."
As experts and reporters say, there is usually a 7-day time frame after the earthquake to take out the remains alive, and until the evening of Tuesday, February 7, two days have passed.

Story Code: 265136

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