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Experts: Closing embassies has a political motive/ Islamic Emirate: No embassies have been closed

6 Feb 2023 - 16:26

Following the publication of news about the closure of the Saudi embassy in Kabul, political experts say: the reasons for the action of some countries to close their embassies were political differences with the Islamic Emirate, because the Islamic Emirate did not follow their policies in the region, hence the decision to close them. have taken their representatives; But the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate says that the representation of any country in Kabul has not been closed, only the employees of the Saudi Arabian embassy have left Kabul for training and will return soon.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdul Jamil Shirani, an expert on political affairs, said in an interview with AVA that the reasons for the action of some countries to close their embassies in Kabul were political differences with the Islamic Emirate, because the Islamic Emirate follows their policies in the world and there was no region.
He added: The conflict between the interests of Muslim countries and the region in Afghanistan has caused some countries to not meet their demands or their demands have not been met by the Islamic Emirate, so they want to put pressure on the existing government in Afghanistan by closing their embassies.
This political expert added: The Islamic Emirate should try to establish good relations with all the countries of the world, because cutting diplomatic relations with Afghanistan is detrimental to the people of our country.
Shirani emphasized that a large number of Afghan citizens are engaged in economic activities in Saudi Arabia, the suspension of activities or the closure of the Riyadh embassy in Kabul will cause many problems for them.
However, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, told the media that the closure of the Saudi Arabian embassy is not true, but rather that their diplomats were asked to go to Saudi Arabia for training for a week and then return, and the rumors in this regard are not true.
While the ISIS group is considered a serious threat to diplomatic activities in the Islamic Emirate government, this group accepted responsibility for the attack on the Pakistani embassy in December 2022. In this attack, the guard of this embassy was injured.
Prior to this event, in September 2022, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the Russian embassy in Kabul, in which six people, including two senior Russian diplomats, were killed.
China, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Japan and some other countries have diplomatic activities in Kabul.

Story Code: 265036

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