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Scholars of the Arab world:

The Islamic Emirate is not against girls' education; Education is the right of all Muslims

11 Jan 2023 - 11:25

A number of scholars from the Arab world, who recently came to Kabul, said in a press conference that the Islamic Emirate is not against the education of girls in general. According to them, education is the right of all Muslims and Afghan girls should also be allowed to be educated.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: A number of religious scholars from Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Palestine who recently came to Kabul after meeting with the leaders of the caretaker government, said at a press conference in Kabul yesterday (January 10, 2023) that the Islamic Emirate The general picture is not against the education of girls.
According to them, the Islamic Emirate has reminded them that it has appointed a committee for the education and training of girls in Afghanistan and the final decision will be made after the evaluation of this committee.
The delegation of scholars of the Islamic world said that education is the right of all Muslims and Afghan girls should also be allowed to be educated.
These scholars asked the United States of America to release the country's assets to solve Afghanistan's economic challenges.
They demanded the relations of Islamic countries with the Islamic Emirate and its recognition.
This is despite the fact that the recognition of the caretaker government unanimously among Islamic and non-Islamic countries is conditional on the formation of an inclusive government, the participation of all ethnic groups and religions in the body of the system, respect for human rights, women's rights, which has not been realized so far.
It should be remembered that this delegation, in a meeting with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, one of the senior officials of the Islamic Emirate, said that the victory of the Islamic Emirate against the United States is not only an honor for the people of Afghanistan, but also for the Islamic community.

Story Code: 263675

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