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Snowfall in the north of the country; Most of the transportation routes in Faryab and Badakhshan districts are blocked

11 Jan 2023 - 11:22

Local officials report the closure of the transportation route in most districts of Faryab province and Shaki and Nasi districts of Badakhshan province due to heavy snowfall and drifting snow.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-e-Sharif: Shamsullah Mohammadi, the head of information and culture of Faryab, told AVA today (Wednesday, January 11, 2023): Currently, the route of most of the districts with the center of Faryab is blocked, but they will be opened if the snowfall decreases.
Mohammadi, however, said that the snowfall in Kohistanat district of this province was heavy, the transportation route of this district was completely blocked and it was not possible to open it.
In the meantime, Mohammad Akram Akbari, head of disaster management in Badakhshan province, also told Ava that as a result of snowdrifts, the road between Shaki and Nesi districts was blocked with the center.
He added that with the blocking of the roads of these two districts, the economic problems of the people have increased and they need humanitarian aid.
In the last four years, this is the first winter that all 9 Northern provinces of the country witnessed snowfall at the same time, but this snowfall has aggravated the problems of transportation routes and non-standard roads.
In the latest case, three traffic incidents occurred in Faryab yesterday, with the beginning of snow and ice on the roads, as a result of which 9 people were injured.

Story Code: 263673

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