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NATO emphasized its support for Sweden and Finland

9 Jan 2023 - 10:23

Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in a security conference in Saline, Sweden, once again emphasized the organization's strong support for Sweden and Finland.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Stoltenberg, who was speaking at a security conference in Saline, Sweden, added that since Sweden and Finland applied for membership in this organization, NATO has deployed its forces in It has increased the two countries.
He said: As Sweden and Finland are currently participating in the NATO meeting and have been integrated in military cooperation, I don't think that NATO will close its hands if the security of these two countries is threatened.
He continued: Out of a total of 30 NATO allies, 28 countries have signed the agreement of Sweden and Finland to join this organization.
Sweden and Finland have applied for NATO membership following Russia's attack on Ukraine on May 18, 2022.
The Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristiansen, revealed earlier at the conference of the country's nation and national defense that the Turkish authorities have put forward conditions that make Sweden's membership in NATO impossible.
Ankara has put these two countries under intense pressure to take measures in return for their agreement to join NATO. In this regard, Sweden on December 3rd (mid-Sagittarius) a member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (P.K.K.) that Ankara considers it a terrorist group, has returned to Turkey.
Turkey accuses Finland and Sweden of providing safe havens to Kurdish groups, which Ankara considers terrorist groups.
According to Turkey's belief, despite the signing of the memorandum of understanding in this regard, which was signed last June in Madrid, Spain, Sweden and Finland's obstruction in this regard has made their membership in NATO difficult.

Story Code: 263567

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