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The modern West's attacks on women are basic and treacherous/ In Islamic and human values, there is no difference between men and women

7 Jan 2023 - 11:34

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Wednesday morning, January 4, visited hundreds of Iranian women active in the cultural, social and scientific fields, explaining the progressive and fair view of Islam to "women" in the fields of "gender, humanity, legal duties, and individual responsibility". And the family, role, and collective problems" Western modernists called women fundamental and treacherous and emphasized: A woman in the role of a wife is the embodiment of love and comfort, and in the role of a mother, it is like the right to life. Of course, it should be noted that domesticity a house is not a residence, but it means giving authenticity to a house, while it is active in different areas of society.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, on Wednesday morning (January 4) met with hundreds of educated and active women and girls in the fields of culture, society and science. The modern West called women fundamental and treacherous and emphasized: A woman in the role of a wife is the embodiment of love and comfort, and in the role of a mother, it is like the right to life. At the same time, the activity is in different areas of the society.
Imam Khamenei expressed great satisfaction with the excellent and outstanding concepts in the speeches of some of the guests, adding: The proposal to use educated, wise, wise and experienced women in various decision-making and decision-making positions is an important issue that has been on my mind for a long time. Engaged and In Shah Allah we will find a solution for it.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized before explaining the view of Islam on women in different fields: The position of the Islamic Republic in the face of the western hypocritical plaintiffs in the category of women is demanding and crowding, because the modernized West and the decadent Western culture are really to blame in this regard and they are right. A woman's dignity is a crime if we hope that the views of Islam will have an impact even on the general opinion of the West through the appropriate explanation and repetition of the words and the pen of the elites and female intellectuals.
Referring to the verses of the Holy Quran, Imam Khamenei considered the equality of men and women in human and gender perspective as part of Islam and said: In Islamic and human values, there is no difference between men and women.
He called the rights and responsibilities of men and women different but balanced in Islam and added: There are differences in the nature of women and men, if it is effective in taking responsibility in the house and in the community, and naturally, a woman or a man should not act against this nature.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the tasks of men and women in society and social issues as "the same duties, but in different roles and forms" and added: For example, in the sacred defense, both women and men, of course, are obliged to defend in different roles. If women, if not better than men, at least like them, they would perform this difficult duty.
Imam Khamenei said in a kind of speech: Contrary to the profoundly patriarchal Western capitalist system, in Islam, both men and women are prominent and have legal, intellectual, theoretical and practical privileges, but the West is lying, and attributes its inherent patriarchy to Islam.
Referring to the main basis of the capitalist system, i.e. the supremacy of capital over man, they said: In this view, everyone can accumulate more wealth, has more intrinsic value, and naturally, by paying attention to the characteristics of men in capitalism, the capitalist system, the military system becomes patriarchal.
Imam Khamenei considered "work on the floor" and "looking at women with pleasure" as the main abuses of women in the West and said: The main purpose of raising the issue of women's freedom in the West was to drag them from the house to the factory to use women as cheap labor.
He considered the controversy over the liberation of black slaves in the bloody internal wars of the United States in the 19th century as another example of the fraud and abuse of the capitalist system of valuable subjects and added: In that case, the capitalists of North America, the black farmers of the south, would take the name of freedom to the north. And they employed them with low wages.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution called the pleasure-seeking view of women the basis of the West and said: In this truly sad story, the capitalist system, using various methods, convinces women of its benefits and value, and is in the process of abandoning its sexual attractions to men.
Ishan's search for western women to set an example and give originality to men's desires, the result of the view of the patriarchal capitalist system, and emphasized: Contrary to this corrupt view, the Lord in the Holy Quran calls women the role models of men and says, "Noah's wife and wife." Lot is a model for men and unbelieving women, Pharaoh's wife and Maryam are a model for all women and men who believe.
Referring to the statistics and facts that even the official centers of Western countries declare, they called the West's claims about defending women's rights extremely arrogant and said: "The claimed freedom of the capitalist system is the same as 'slavery and humiliation'.
Imam Khamenei wrongly read the view that the free communication between men and women in the West has led to the satiation of men's eyes and hearts and the reduction of women's problems. They say that the attack on women and girls will be done in addition to street work and outdoor education.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, expressing his satisfaction with the presence of many wise, wise and believing women in the country, explained and exposed the disastrous view of the West on the issue of gender and women and said: Using virtual communication, the view of Islam will change the issue of men and women. In the form of short and expressive statements and initials such as hashtags, organization, you will present these facts, especially in Islamic countries.
In another part of his speech, he drew attention to the problem of family and the role of women in it and said: The formation of a family is based on a common law in creation, that is, the law of marriage. It is a contradiction because in the logic of Islam, movement, including the continuation of the generation, is based on marriage and cohabitation, so this theory requires serious and fundamental work.
Imam Khamenei considered the reason for determining rules and laws for marriage and family formation in Islam and other religions to prevent chaos and disorder and added: Observance of these rules leads to the health of the family and society, because a healthy family is the foundation of society.
In explaining the role of women in the family, they likened women to grass, perfume, and the air of the house and said: If a woman is willing to do work in the house, there is no problem, but according to the traditions, the woman in the house is like a worker. Not if others can and will force him to do the work.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the two main roles of a woman in the house to be the role of the mother and the role of the wife.
Imam Khamenei called the most important and original duty of a woman to be the role of a mother and a wife, that is, the role of a housewife, but he emphasized: Of course, housewifery does not mean being a housewife and refraining from teaching, mujahid, and political and social activities, but it means that a woman does any other work that is below the originality. If it is possible, he will be interested and able to do it.
Emphasizing that the family cannot be managed without a woman's presence and feeling of suffering, and some knots cannot be broken except by a gentle finger, he added: Just as no woman can save the life of her child with such and such administrative work, there is no doubt about the importance of moral and religious education. There is no doubt about the child, and if a woman has to choose one of the two arenas, the family is more important.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, of course, considered some collective works as duties superior to any other work and said: Sometimes the importance of a duty is even greater than saving the lives of children, spouses and parents.
He described the situation of the family in the West as dangerous and added: This is a danger, the voice of objection has been raised by the benevolent and reformist Western thinkers, but the gradual collapse of the family in the West is so fast that there is no possibility of stopping or reforming it.
In another part of his speech, Imam Khamenei addressed the issue of hijab and said: Hijab is undoubtedly a Shariah necessity and inviolable, but this inviolable necessity should not cause those who do not observe the full form of hijab to be accused of atheism or counter-revolution.
Remembering his past glorifications of the presence of women in various forms in the ceremonies of supplications and prayers to the Lord in the form of Qadr, he noted: I used to miss those tears and I wish I could shed tears like that young woman.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: Weakness is not a veil, it is not the right thing to do, but it does not allow us to exclude that individual from the circle of religion and revolution.
He said that the services of the Islamic Republic will consider women as important and unforgettable categories and noted: Before the revolution, there were few women who were wise, intelligent and knowledgeable, but due to the revolution, a large number of women became educated, in a way that female students were ahead of male students in some years. A large number of women are engaged in various fields of science and technology.
Imam Khamenei mentioned the shine of Iran's girls on the international sports arena as another field of progress after the revolution of women and added: The best publicity for the hijab is when a female athlete becomes a hero and raises her country's flag in front of international cameras. If the hero is standing on the platform with a hijab.
Referring to the many searches in the recent cases against hijab in Iran, he pointed out: Who stood up against these searches and calls? It was the women themselves who stood up, even though the evil-doers hoped that these women would wear the hijab, but the women did not do this, and preachers and messengers called out.
In his last statement, expressing his regret for the oppression of women in some families, he said: Sometimes men rely on their physical strength to oppress women but, if a man is capable of oppressing a woman, of course, there are also cases where a woman is oppressing, but it is small and limited.

Story Code: 263483

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