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Violence against journalists in Afghanistan has decreased by 17%

2 Jan 2023 - 11:24

Violence against journalist’s show that in 2022, compared to 2021, violence against journalists in Afghanistan has decreased by 17%.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Based on the information, 132 cases of violence against journalists and media workers have been recorded in Afghanistan in 2022.
Meanwhile, last year, the organization supporting Afghanistan's free media recorded 159 cases of violence against journalists.
Ney's announcement states: Nevertheless, the number of violent cases in 2021 compared to 2022 was 27, which showed a 17% decrease compared to last year.
Among the 132 registered incidents of the current year, 2 of them were killed, 3 died, 2 were injured, 3 were summoned, 5 disappeared, 22 were beaten, 46 were threatened and insulted, and 49 were arrested. While last year, 159 incidents were recorded in the violence map of Ney Office.
The Afghanistan Free Media Support Organization has emphasized that the 17% reduction in violence against journalists in 2022 does not mean that Afghanistan is a safe country for journalists and media workers.
Ney added: Although we see a decrease in violent events in 2022, events such as beating and arresting journalists in 2022 have been on a large scale.
This institution has also said that hundreds of journalists and media workers have become unemployed over the past year, and more than 50% of video media, nearly 48% of audio media, all print media, and 80% of news agencies and online media have stopped broadcasting.

Story Code: 263239

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