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Ceremony honoring the personality of the late Ayatollah Fazel (RA) in Qom;

The political spirit of the late Ayatollah Fazil (RA) did not allow him to be indifferent to the fate of the people

31 Dec 2022 - 11:27

The ceremony honoring the memory of Mujahid jurist, Hazrat Ayatollah Fazel (RA) was held in the Ghadir Conference Hall of Amin Humanities Complex with the presence of a group of scholars, academicians and different classes of Afghan immigrants living in the holy city of Qom. Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari discussed some aspects of Ayatollah Fazel's (RA) personality in this ceremony and said: In the era of Ayatollah Fazel (RA), he was the only scholarly and cultured person who was prominent in the province. The important indicator of the governorship is that everyone understands that jurisprudence, education, and having a political spirit are not enough, and if a person has all these characteristics but is not a governor, he will be easily exploited by the enemy.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - The holy city of Qom: Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the head of the Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center, in a speech at this event, said about the personality of Ayatollah Fazel (RA): There is a lot of information about the personality of Ayatollah Fazel (RA) but unfortunately, not much has been done about him and this commemorative event has been held after a long time, which is a great weakness regarding the personality of Ayatollah Fazel (RA).
Emphasizing that the importance of introducing the personality traits of elders like Ayatollah Fazil (RA) is much more than reciting the Qur'an and Fatiha for their great souls, he said: Today, society needs to introduce the personality traits of these elders so that they can be introduced as role models for the young generation. .
The head of the Tebyan Center noted: We should learn from personalities like Ayatollah Fazel (RA), because today's conditions require and require such great people to emerge and manage Afghanistan.
Hussaini Mazari considered the first characteristic of Ayatollah Fazel (RA) to be his high knowledge and said: A simple and very short survey of his activity in acquiring knowledge shows that Ayatollah Fazel (RA) appears on the stage as a literate, active and distinguished student. And he goes through the stages of completing the higher levels successfully and reaches the lofty peaks of jurisprudence and jurisprudence. This indicator tells all of us that a student should study correctly and seriously and strengthen his scientific foundations in order to reach the high levels of jurisprudence and jurisprudence as a real ayatollah and be raised in society.
Criticizing some people who make fake titles like Ayatollah for themselves and make fun of the path of ijtihad, he said: In the current situation, it can be seen that some personalities are playing with the position of authority and the fate of the people. But students, if they want to act correctly in the society and be effective, they should study and in the academic path, if they get titles, these titles should be real.
The head of Tabian Center identified the second sign of Ayatollah Sayed Abol Hasan Fazel (RA) as having a political spirit and noted: The late Ayatollah Fazel (RA) had a political spirit and this spirit did not allow him to be indifferent to the fate of the people and the country.
Hussaini Mazari further mentioned some of the political and cultural actions of the late Ayatollah Fazil (RA) such as obtaining a Jihad fatwa from the great verses of Khoi, Sadr and Hakim in Iraq to support the Jihad of the Afghan people, entering the field of political struggles and taking action for peace between the factions. The Shiite hostilities inside Afghanistan, the founding of Hizb-e-Wahdat-e-Islami and the confirmation of the responsibility of the Supreme Council of its supervision, as well as membership in the Supreme Leadership Council of the Mujahedeen government, and also the development of the huge project of the school and mosque of Khatam al-Anbiya (PBUH) in the west of Kabul city, the establishment of the first Shia Friday prayer in Kabul. , the establishment of Tawheed Theological Seminary in Qom and the establishment of Khatam Al-Anbiya (PBUH) Theological Seminary in Mashhad, as well as leaving behind his writings and in relation to his economic activities, he also said: Ayatollah Fadel (RA) had a very serious rise and development in the field of economic activities including the establishment of the Khatam Al-Anbiya (PBUH) charity and orphanage and the management of other economic activities, but it may be criticized why a cleric should enter the field of economics! It should be said that a cleric is not only the imam of the prayer congregation, but must be the imam of the economy, the imam of politics, and the imam of culture and society in order to be able to perform all his duties correctly.
He pointed out: It is the political spirit that draws students to other necessary fields. Not having a political spirit makes even an authority and jurist an isolated and useless character.
The head of the Tebyan center, referring to the governorship as the third characteristic of Ayatollah Fazel (RA), added: the important point is that a cleric, in addition to having a political spirit, perhaps it can be said that in the era of Ayatollah Fazel (RA), he was the only scholarly and He was educated and provincial. The important indicator of the province-orientation makes everyone understand that jurisprudence and jurisprudence, education, and having a political spirit are not enough, and if a person has all these characteristics, but is not a province-orientated person, he will be easily exploited by the enemy, even if this person is an imitation authority.
In the continuation of the program, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Jaidi, considered the late Ayatollah Fazil (RA) as a jurist who mixed knowledge with practice and was a working scholar.
This religious scholar pointed out: The late Ayatollah Fazel (RA) was a knowledgeable jurist who worked in various fields and sought to save the society and never sought comfort and wellness.
The screening of a documentary on the life of the late Ayatollah Fazel (RA) and the broadcast of a clip from his speech were among the programs of the commemoration ceremony of Ayatollah Fazel (RA).
A brief biography of the late Ayatollah Fazel (RA)
The late Ayatollah Haj Sayed Abol Hasan Fazel was born in 1319 AH in Kojab Behsud, Maidan Wardak province, in a religious and scientific family. Because his father had passed away before his birth, his noble uncle Allameh Sayed Hasan Mostafavi took care of him.
Ayatollah Fazel (RA) studied elementary and secondary courses with teachers such as Ayatollah Sheikh Khan Ali Khawati and Allameh Sayed Hasan Mostafavi, and then went to Kabul and passed the advanced levels with the late Ayatollah Sayed Sarwar Waez.
In 1349, he went to Najaf and Karbala to continue his studies and to visit the sacred shrines. In 1351, he continuously participated in the courses of foreign jurisprudence and principles of Grand Ayatollah Khoui (RA) for 10 years and at the same time attended the courses of foreign jurisprudence and principles of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Mohammad Baqer Sadr. He attained the degree of ijtihad with the approval of the professors of Najaf seminary at the time, and at the same time he was studying and teaching, and a large number of scholars from different Islamic countries participated in his class.
The late Ayatollah Fazel (RA) carried out extensive scientific, cultural, social and political activities during his lifetime. After years of service and a lifetime of non-stop scientific-political efforts, in 1998 and at the age of 58, due to leukemia, his soul flew to the highest realm.
The body of the late Ayatollah Fazil (RA) was buried in the holy city of Qom towards the holy shrine of Hazrat Fatima Masoumeh, peace be upon her, and after praying over his body by Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, he was buried in Gulzar Sheikhan of Qom.

Story Code: 263135

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