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Professional women can operate within the framework of Islamic Sharia

26 Dec 2022 - 10:41

Officials of the Islamic Emirate say that after the recent developments in the country, some dispersion occurred in the Chamber of Commerce of Women Professionals, their office was closed for a limited period, but soon the Ministry of Industry and Trade gave them permission to operate within the framework of Islamic Sharia.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdul Salam Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said in an interview with AVA: After the recent changes in the country, there was some short-term dispersal in the Chamber of Commerce of Women of Trade, and their office was also closed but soon they were given permission to operate within the framework of Islamic Sharia by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Javad added: (There was a series of abuses of the name of trade women in the past, and to prevent this, the Islamic Emirate told all national and international bodies that the only official reference for trade women is the Women's Trade Chamber)
He also stated that the Ministry of Industry and Trade is trying to have an online center for women's business, so that they can market through this, and at the same time, there is work going on in the development of national and international exhibitions for the products of business women.
Meanwhile, Zahra Hussaini, one of the trade women, said in an interview with Ava: After the domination of the Islamic Emirate in the country, the work status of trade women has decreased by 90 percent.
Hussaini added: The Ministry of Industry and Trade has not allowed women trade professionals to operate and has also closed their offices.
It should be mentioned that in the previous government, the work of women in trade was good, but with the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, most of the women have stopped working, and recently, according to the order of the Ministry of Economy, the presence of women in all private institutions and organizations is prohibited.

Story Code: 262890

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