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Russia destroys US missile systems in Ukraine

26 Dec 2022 - 9:41

Vladimir Putin says that Russia's rivals continued to rely on the principle of divide and rule, and in this context, Moscow is defending national interests, interests of citizens and people. He has also stated that his country will destroy all American Patriot missile systems in Ukraine.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): "Vladimir Putin" in an interview with "Russia 1" channel this Sunday, while expressing his desire again to reach an "acceptable solution", said: "It is not us who rejects the negotiations.
In connection with the continuation of the war in Ukraine, which has been going on for almost 10 months, the President of Russia announced that Moscow really has no other choice but to protect its interests and people.
In assessing the current situation, Putin said: I am convinced that we are moving in the right direction. We are defending national interests, interests of citizens and people.
He also noted that Russia's rivals continued to rely on the principle of divide and conquer.
The President of Russia recalled that since 2014, Moscow has tried to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine, but Kiev, which is ruled by the West, has shown no desire to negotiate.
He stated: The core of our geopolitical rivals' policy is the disintegration of Russia (historical Russia); divide and rule; This is what they have always strived for and are doing now.
Putin emphasized that Russia has a different priority and its goal is to unite all Russians.

Story Code: 262878

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