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Poppy Cultivation Declined In Afghanistan

24 Dec 2022 - 16:32

Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has decreased significantly. UNAMA reports said.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, The UN Secretary General’s special representative for Afghanistan said, “They expect that poppy cultivation will decrease further this season with the implementation of the decree of supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

The head of UNAMA said that the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan has done better in poppy cultivation in the country.

Roza Otunbayeva, said in her latest statement that “the Islamic Emirate has done better in implementing the order of the leader of the Islamic Emirate” and after the beginning of the poppy cultivation season in the tropical provinces of Uruzgan, Helmand, Laghman and Kunar, hundreds of acres of land were cleared of poppy bushes.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior said that banning the collection of poppy seeds and not using them in the production of narcotic drugs is part of their struggle, and last week, they discovered and set fire to three narcotic warehouses in Farah, Ghor, and Helmand.

Story Code: 262813

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