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After the domination of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, harassment of women on the roads and highways has decreased by 40 percent

13 Dec 2022 - 11:44

Religious and cultural experts say that with the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, the harassment of women in the streets and back alleys of Kabul and other big cities has decreased by 40 percent, and if the hijab is observed, the culture of promiscuity will be eradicated.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Mohammad Arif Elhami, an expert on religious and cultural issues, said in an interview with AVA: "With the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, the harassment of women on the roads and back alleys of Kabul has decreased by 40 percent, but this issue has It is not yet fully resolved.
Elhami added that women have the main and key role in not harassing themselves, because if women observe the Islamic hijab, no one has the courage to harass them, and this issue, which once caused a lot of noise, has been completely resolved.
This religious scholar also reminded: some women who are harassed on the roads and back alleys, in fact, do not observe the Islamic hijab, and this act makes people sensitive and carefree.
Mrs. Ruqiyeh Sadat Rasa, a resident of Kabul city, also tells Ava that with the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate, the harassment of women has decreased by about 30%.
Rasa added that observing the Islamic hijab by women makes them chaste and proud, and when women observe this religious principle, they can travel on the roads with a safe and calm mind.
Also, Fatima Panahi, a citizen of Kabul, says: With the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, the harassment of women has decreased by about 80 percent, and the main reason is the constant inspections by the employees of the Ministry of Prosperity and Prohibition of the Islamic Emirate in the streets and back alleys of the cities.
Ms. Panahi pointed out: The important and valuable role of women in this field is to maintain the Islamic hijab and observe the gestures that attract and attract lustful young people, so a woman should always be dignified and modest and avoid the grounds of harassment and harassment, especially in an unhealthy society.
It should be mentioned that during the republic and the presence of Westerners in Afghanistan, most women were harassed in various ways, but recently there has been a significant decrease.

Story Code: 262232

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