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Hamas welcomed the UN General Assembly resolution on the occupation of Palestine

13 Nov 2022 - 16:56

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) welcomed the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly regarding the occupation of Palestine and called it an important step.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Hamas movement welcomed the UN General Assembly's resolution on requesting the International Court of Justice to issue its opinion on the legal consequences of the occupation of Palestinian lands by the Zionist regime.
Hamas obtained this resolution and called it an important step in favor of the Palestinian national issue and the rights of the Palestinian people.
According to Fars report, Ezzat al-Rashq, a member of the Hamas political bureau, said that Hamas appreciates the diplomatic efforts to support the rights of the Palestinian people and calls on the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to support these efforts and oppose any continue the Zionist-American pressure on this organization.
According to "Rai Al Youm" newspaper, Al-Rashq thanked all the countries that voted in favor of this resolution and supported the Palestinian issue and the right to freedom and independence of the Palestinian nation.
He also said: "We condemn the positions of the countries that opposed this resolution and supported the occupation regime and its fabricated narratives."
The draft resolution proposed by Palestine for the legal inquiry and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice about the consequences of the occupation of the Zionist regime was approved on Friday in the voting in the fourth committee of the United Nations General Assembly, which is specific to political issues and the end of colonialism.
In this voting, 98 positive votes, 17 negative votes and 52 abstentions were recorded for this draft, while the Zionist regime strongly opposed it. Several allies of this regime including America, Canada, Australia, Austria and Germany voted against this resolution.

Story Code: 260916

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