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Criticism of the American people regarding the oldness of the elected politicians of this country

12 Nov 2022 - 15:08

At the same time as the mid-term elections of the US Congress are being held, research shows that the people of this country want younger people to take over the affairs of America, not the old people who have been elected so far.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): With the end of the 2022 mid-term elections in the United States, the final results of which have not been announced yet, and the Republicans also admitted that they could not create an upsurge and a storm of red waves throughout the United States as they expected in this round of elections, now the tendency The news in the American media about the 2024 presidential election with the question that the retirement age in the United States is 65 years old, but the current president of the United States is 80 years old and the present population of elected representatives in this round of the election are old people.
Reuters news agency wrote about this matter: Joe Biden will be 80 years old by November 29 and Americans are asking how old and frail a president can be.
This report writes: Ronald Reagan was 77 years old when he left the White House, while Joe Biden will be 80 years old in the next few days, and if he wins the next election and completes his second term, then he will be 86. He will be 82 years old, if Donald Trump wins the upcoming presidential elections, he will be 82 years old when he leaves the White House.
This English media writes in the continuation of this article: The American society is aging, according to the research conducted by the "Population Reference Bureau" (PRB), the population aged 65 years in the United States, which is estimated at 52 million people in 2018 It will reach 95 million people by the year 2060, and one out of every four men in the United States will continue to work until the age of 65.
This report adds: Now, according to the results of the mid-term elections, which show that the Democrats have performed better than expected, it is expected that Biden, despite his old age and the observation of some behavioral and verbal slips in him, will again run for the elections.
Reuters wrote: However, many Americans are concerned about the age of the two possible candidates for the 2024 presidential election. In a joint poll by this news agency and the Ipsos poll, 46 percent of Democrats say that Joe Biden may not be able to handle the upcoming presidential election campaign, and 26% of Republicans do not consider Donald Trump suitable for this round of the American presidential election due to his old age, at the same time, 68% of Americans believe that Biden is even able to finish two years left of his four-year presidential term; Other results of this poll indicate that 86% of Americans believe that the age limit for the office of the President of the United States is 75 years.
Reuters wrote: The results obtained from the 2022 mid-term elections in the United States indicate that the new Congress is one of the oldest periods in the history of the United States, because according to research conducted by the Pew Research Institute, more than half of the members of the House of Representatives and Two thirds of the members of the Senate were born between 1946 and 1964.
Nancy Pelosi, 82 years old, Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, 82 years old, and "Chuck Gresley", the Republican senator from the state of Iowa, 89 years old, each of them were re-elected to the Congress for a six-year term in this round of elections.
Reuters wrote: Americans are not really happy with this situation, two-thirds of American citizens want to apply age limits for the positions of the American federal government, such as the post of president, membership in the Supreme Court, and holding the position of the Supreme Court in this country.

Story Code: 260856

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