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Laboratories have been established in the provinces to detect high-quality spices

2 Nov 2022 - 15:52

Javed Huzhair, the spokesperson of the National Food and Spices Administration, says that in order to prevent the entry of low-quality spices into the country, they have established laboratories in Herat and Nangarhar provinces next to the Kabul laboratory, and such laboratories are to be built in the border provinces as well.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The spokesperson of the National Food and Spices Administration told Ava: This administration has prevented the entry of low-quality drugs in the form of smuggling into the country with continuous efforts.
He added that in order to prevent low-quality medicines from entering the country, the National Food and Spices Administration of Afghanistan has made people responsible for identifying low-quality medicines at the customs, which will be determined after taking samples and sending them to the laboratories of the center or neighboring provinces.
He continued that in order to ensure the quality and safety of the drug, obtaining a pro form (a document containing the specifications of the drug) is required by the National Food and Spices Administration for every company that imports spices into the country, which has also reduced the responsibility of the administration.
The spokesperson of the National Spices and Food Administration stated that every day in different parts of the country, pharmacies are controlled by the investigation teams of this administration, which are closed by this administration if they do not have the right to operate.
He emphasized that since the beginning of this year, more than 1009 pharmacies have been inspected, of which 345 pharmacies have been blocked, and about 202 and 118 pharmacies have received recommendations and warnings, respectively.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Naseer; although one of the spice sellers in the fifth district of Kabul talks about the decrease in the entry of low-quality spices, he says that they still enter the country in the form of smuggling.
According to him, although the government has done well in importing high-quality medicines, the prices of spices have increased due to high taxes in customs and the decrease in the activity of importing companies.
He wants the government to prevent the entry of low-quality medicine into the country and to reduce the tax at the customs to prevent the increase in the price of medicine.
It should be noted that in the past, the import of spices in the country was related to the Ministry of Public Health, but now with the independence of the National Spices and Food Administration, the import of low-quality spices has been prevented to some extent.

Story Code: 260459

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