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In an interview with Thomas West, Abdullah Abdullah emphasized on the real inter-Afghan negotiations

31 Oct 2022 - 16:18

Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Supreme National Reconciliation Council in the previous government, and Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan affairs, had a telephone conversation. In this conversation, Abdullah emphasized the necessity of continuing intra-Afghan talks to ensure security and stable stability in Afghanistan, as well as reopening girls' schools above the sixth grade.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Dr. Abdullah Abdullah announced on his Facebook page today (Monday, October 31, 2022) about his conversation with Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan affairs.
He said that in this conversation, he expressed his gratitude for the continued humanitarian aid of the United States to the people of Afghanistan.
Further, the two sides called the reopening of girls' schools above the sixth grade as a necessity and desire of the Afghan people and emphasized that in order to solve the existing problems and ensure national stability in the country, a genuine intra-Afghan national dialogue is needed to strengthen national unity and partnership.
Abdullah added that Thomas West has assured the continued support of his country to the people of Afghanistan.
The US special representative recently had a conversation with Hamid Karzai, the former president.
It should be mentioned that Abdullah Abdullah and Hamid Karzai are among the few politicians of the country who did not flee the country after the rule of the Islamic Emirate.

Story Code: 260375

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