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America: An important decision will be made about the frozen money of Afghanistan

23 Oct 2022 - 10:18

Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan, said in a virtual meeting that the first meeting among the members of the trust fund is expected to be held next month and important decisions will be made about the frozen funds of Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Thomas West, the US special representative for Afghanistan, said in a virtual meeting about the country's frozen foreign exchange reserves that the first meeting among the members of the Afghanistan trust fund is expected to be held next month.
According to Mr. West, the board members of this fund, which includes two representatives from the US and Switzerland and two from Afghanistan, will make major decisions about the 3.5 billion dollars of Afghanistan's seized foreign exchange reserves.
Mr. West added that in addition to the members of this board, another board consisting of knowledgeable and experienced Afghan experts will also be formed.
Referring to Pakistan, West said that my colleagues and I in the US government are in contact with the Islamic Emirate and I don't think we need a third country.
He added: "We are on the road to building trust, but without a doubt, the biggest national interest of America in Afghanistan is that this country does not become a safe haven for terrorists again."
West emphasized that after the killing of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri at the end of June this year, American officials had a direct conversation with the Islamic Emirate in Doha two weeks ago.
In response to a question about the meetings between the intelligence officials of the Islamic Emirate and the United States, the US special representative said that he did not want to confirm or deny the presence of other American officials in this meeting.

Story Code: 260036

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