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Australia withdrew from recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist regime

18 Oct 2022 - 12:14

The Australian government abandoned the former prime minister's decision to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the capital of the fake Zionist regime.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Quoted the Associated Press of Australia: Australia on Tuesday canceled the previous government's decision to recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist regime and said that the city's status should be resolved through peace talks between the two regimes. and the people of Palestine should be resolved.
Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong said: Australia will always be a steadfast friend of Israel, but is committed to a two-state solution in which the Zionist regime and a future Palestinian state coexist in peace within internationally recognized borders.
 He said in a statement that the Australian government once again commits to international efforts to responsibly pursue progress towards a just and sustainable solution between the two countries.
Penny Wang told reporters that Morrison's decision in 2018 "left Australia out of the majority of the international community" and the country has since faced concerns from its Muslim-majority neighbor, Indonesia.
He added: "I am sorry that Mr. Morrison's decision to play politics has changed Australia's position and these changes have caused discomfort to many people in the Australian community who care deeply about this issue."
In 2018, Scott Morrison announced the decision to move the embassy from Tel Aviv, just days before by-elections in one of Sydney's heavily Jewish districts, but his Liberal Party was nonetheless defeated.
Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, had recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist regime a year before.

Story Code: 259868

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