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Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the guests of the Islamic Unity Conference:

Expressing regret for the killing of students in Afghanistan

15 Oct 2022 - 14:52

On 17th of Rabi-ul-Awl 1443, the birth anniversary of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and Imam Sadiq (A.S.), Imam Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, on Friday, October 14, in a meeting with foreign guests participating in the International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, with Stating that the increasing hardships and pressures and killings in Palestine and other parts of the Islamic world are the result of the "dispersion of the Islamic Ummah", they expressed their regret for the crimes of ISIS in Iraq, Syria and especially the killing of students in Afghanistan and said: on both the Shia and Sunni sides, There are extremists who have nothing to do with Shias and Sunnis, and these extremists should not be the basis for accusing the principles of religion.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The Leader of the Islamic Revolution congratulated the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imam Sadiq (A.S.) birthdays, emphasizing the unique personality of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), the culmination of which is his mission. they said: Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) should be an opportunity for the Islamic Ummah to learn and set an example for him as a "good practice".
Referring to the Quran verses that call the suffering and hardships of the Islamic Ummah painful for the Prophet and a source of joy for the enemies of Muslims, Imam Khamenei explained and analyzed why the sufferings of the Islamic Ummah in today's world and added: the problems and hardships of the Islamic world have many causes, but one of the most important reasons is the division and separation of Muslims from each other.
He considered the forced result of division and separation to be "humiliation" and "removal from dignity" and emphasized: the duty of the influential people of the Islamic world is to focus on creating practical ways and grounds for unity among Muslims because the enemy, on the other hand, by creating A cancer cell in the region and in the land of Palestine, in the name of the fake Zionist regime and the establishment of malicious, corrupt, murderous and ruthless Zionists in it, seeks to create the biggest difference between Muslims and Islamic countries.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution called the normalization of the relations of some Islamic countries with the Zionist regime one of the biggest betrayals and said: Some may say that the realization of unity is not possible in the current situation with the presence of some heads of Islamic countries, but the intellectuals, scholars, sages and elites of the Islamic world can. Make the atmosphere different from the enemy's will, in which case it will be easier to achieve unity.
He asked the question, "What is the meaning of unity?" They pointed out: What is meant by unity in the Islamic world is unity in protecting the interests of the Islamic Ummah and not racial and geographical unity.
Imam Khamenei added: The correct understanding of the interests of the Islamic Ummah and with whom and how Muslims should be friends or enemies and achieve joint action against the plans of arrogance is very important for the realization of unity.
Emphasizing that the important and fundamental point in joint action is to reach a common understanding about the change of political geometry in the world, he said: the political map of the world is changing and the unipolar system is moving towards rejection and the domination of global arrogance is also Every day it loses its legitimacy more than the last, so a new world is being formed and the very important question is, where is the place of the Islamic world and the Islamic Ummah in this new world? Imam Khamenei emphasized: In such a situation, the Islamic Ummah can have a high position and be a model and leader in the new world, provided that it can reach the unity of the word and free itself from the division and temptations of America, Zionists and big companies.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution raised another question, "Is it possible to unite the words of Muslims and have a high position in the changing world?", and said: Yes, the unity between Islamic nations is possible, but it requires effort and action and standing in front of it. It is pressures and hardships.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized that in this context, the greatest hope lies in the properties of the Islamic world and enlightened youth and their role in guiding public opinion, adding: An example of the possibility of influencing is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is a small seedling with the guidance of Imam Khomeini (RA). ) stood in front of the two superpowers of that time, and that sapling has now turned into a thorny tree that makes it a mistake for anyone to even think of cutting it.
He pointed out: We stood up and moved forward. Of course, standing up also has difficulties like any other work, but those who surrender face hardships, with the difference that standing up leads to progress and surrendering leads to regression.
Imam Khamenei, emphasizing that the realization of Islamic unity is necessary to prevent religious differences from turning into conflict, noted that American and British politicians who are against the principle of Islam have entered into the Shia-Sunni debate in their circles, which is very dangerous.
Recalling his past interpretation of "English Shia" and "American Sunni" and the efforts of some to distort it, he said: "An English Shia and an American Sunni means someone who, in any position, position and country, like ISIS, creates disputes, division and excommunication." It is in the service of the enemy.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed regret over the crimes of ISIS in Iraq, Syria and especially the killing of students in Afghanistan and added: There are extremists on both the Shia and Sunni sides who have nothing to do with Shias and Sunnis, and these extremists should not be used as a basis for accusing the principles of religion. And those who, in the name of favoring one religion, arouse the feelings of the other party, should be dealt with seriously.
He considered the increasing hardships, pressures and killings in Palestine and other parts of the Islamic world to be the result of the "dispersion of the Islamic Ummah" and pointing to the many commonalities of Muslims, he said: The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far used everything in its power to achieve the practical realization of Islamic unity. A clear example of that is the all-round support for the Sunni brothers in Palestine, which will continue after this with all our might.
Imam Khamenei emphasized that the resistance front formed in the Islamic world is supported by the Islamic Republic and noted: We believe in God's grace and providence and hope for the practical realization of the great dream of Islamic unity.

Story Code: 259727

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