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The United Kingdom Donates £24M to UNICEF to Help Afghan Children

15 Sep 2022 - 9:54

UNICEF said in a report that, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has contributed an additional GBP 24 million towards UNICEF’s $2 billion Humanitarian Action for Children appeal for Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, The funds will help UNICEF provide “lifesaving nutrition, water and sanitation, and child protection services to over 1.6 million people affected by the country’s ongoing humanitarian crisis. Around 1.3 million – 77 per cent – are children.”

“We are grateful to the United Kingdom for its continued partnership during this critical time. These funds will allow us to continue addressing the immediate needs of the most vulnerable girls, boys and women across the country,” said Mohamed Ayoya, UNICEF Representative in Afghanistan.


Story Code: 258651

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