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Weather service: Flood warning in Afghanistan

25 Aug 2022 - 16:04

Meteorological Directorate of Afghanistan has issued flood warnings for at least 20 provinces across the country.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, On Thursday, the weather service warned that heavy rains and flash floods can be expected across eastern, south-eastern and north-eastern provinces.

Forecasters warned that up to 60mm of rain is likely to fall in some already water-logged provinces, including Ghazni, Uruzgan, Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Zabul, Logar, Maidan Wardak, Parwan, Kapisa, Panjshir, Nuristan, Kabul and Kunar.

Other provinces that could face heavy rains include parts of Badakhshan, Bamiyan, Daikundi, Baghlan, Takhar, and Nangarhar.

This comes after the UN said Wednesday that its agencies have deployed teams to assess flood-stricken areas across the country.

According to Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General, more than 8,200 families have been affected across several provinces in the past week, due to heavy rains and flash floods.

Dujarric said however that already, “teams are providing life-saving assistance to people including food, water and sanitation, tents, health-care service, psychosocial support and essential supplies.”

Story Code: 257641

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