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The United Nations is looking into the employment situation of Afghan farmers

22 Aug 2022 - 14:01

The UN mission in Afghanistan has expressed concern about the employment situation of farmers in Afghanistan and has said that this organization is working on rural development and job creation for Afghan farmers to prevent further deterioration of the human condition in the country.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Ramez Al-Akbarov; The deputy special representative of the United Nations and the coordinator of humanitarian affairs of this organization in Afghanistan has said that the humanitarian mission of the United Nations in Afghanistan will focus more on rural development and job creation for farmers.
Ramez Al-Akbarov added: Afghanistan is a poor, rural country with a low level of development. What we have to come up with and try to do are programs that focus more on rural development and job creation in the rural sector.
He stated that returning Afghan farmers to work, linking them to the market and stimulating economic growth from the bottom up are among the work priorities of this organization.
Expressing concern about the human situation in Afghanistan, this UN official said that the fate of all Afghan generations is at risk and it is not possible to cut off the hands of all generations from access to development.
At the same time, the United Nations has announced that the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has worsened, the economic crisis has increased, and 97 percent of the people live below the international poverty line determined by the World Bank, which means that an Afghan's daily income is an average of one dollar.
This is despite the fact that during the last year, along with the increase in unemployment and poverty in the country, natural disasters such as earthquakes and devastating floods have also added to the economic problems of the people.

Story Code: 257462

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