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IEA hosts one day conference

11 Aug 2022 - 13:20

Representatives of the international community and members of the private sector is being held in Kabul to attract investment in the energy and water sectors.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the acting Deputy Prime Minister, said in his opening speech the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is committed to developing the country but urged the people to be patient adding “because we have to build this country ourselves”.

Baradar also pointed out that Afghanistan is potentially a wealthy country that has great investment opportunities.

He called on traders to invest in Afghanistan and said that the Afghan government would provide full security for new businesses.

Abdul Latif Mansour, the acting Minister of Energy and Water, also addressed delegates and said the IEA is committed to managing the country’s water efficiently and to producing enough energy for the people.

Mansour said the conference is being held to map out opportunities available in the water and energy sectors for investors and that the IEA has paved the way for local and international business owners to invest in the sectors.
Shahabuddin Delavar, acting head of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum also addressed delegates and said its “now time for us to maintain our country’s independence, and utilize our natural resources”.

He also singled out a key private energy supplier in the country, Bayat Power, and said at the moment the company produces 40MW electricity but that it is hoped this will increase to 250MW.
“We welcome the company’s decision,” he said.

Story Code: 256990

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