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Joint statement of the meeting of the guarantor countries of the Astana process

20 Jul 2022 - 12:20

In the final statement of the Astana meeting, the presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia condemned the increase in the presence and activity of terrorist groups and their affiliated groups under different names in different regions of Syria.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): On the evening of Tuesday (July 19) and at the end of the Astana Summit in Tehran, the joint statement of the Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian President and Turkey President was published.
The text of this statement is as follows:
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Sayyed Ibrahim Raisi, the President of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir Putin, and the President of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, gathered in Tehran on July 19, 2022 to participate in the tripartite meeting of leaders within the framework of the Astana process.
1- Discussed the current field situation in Syria, reviewed the latest developments after the virtual meeting of the leaders on 11th January 2019, and once again expressed his determination to strengthen tripartite coordination based on mutual agreements and the conclusions of the meeting. Foreign ministers and senior experts stated. They also reviewed the latest international and regional developments and emphasized the leading role of Astana in the peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis.
2- They emphasized their unshakable commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as to the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter, and stated that these principles should be respected by all and no action, regardless of its perpetrators, should be weaken these principles.
3- They expressed their determination to continue cooperation to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. They condemned the increase in the presence and activity of terrorist groups and their affiliated groups under various names in different regions of Syria, including attacks that target civilian facilities and lead to the loss of innocent lives. They emphasized the necessity of full implementation of all measures related to northern Syria.
4- In this regard, he rejects all efforts to create new realities on the ground under the pretext of fighting terrorism, including the illegitimate initiatives of autonomy, and his determination to confront separatist agendas aimed at weakening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and They expressed the threat to the national security of neighboring countries through cross-border attacks and infiltrations.
5- They examined the conditions of northern Syria and emphasized that achieving security and stability in the region is only possible in the shadow of preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country, and for this purpose they decided to coordinate their efforts. They expressed their opposition to the illegal seizure and transfer of oil and the proceeds from its sale, which belong to Syria.
6- Once again they emphasized their determination to continue the current cooperation in order to finally destroy all individuals, groups, organizations and terrorist entities, and according to international humanitarian law, they demanded the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure.
7- The situation in the Idlib de-escalation area was examined in detail and they emphasized the need to maintain peace in the field by fully implementing all agreements related to Idlib. They expressed serious concern about the presence and activities of terrorist groups that threaten civilians inside and outside the Idlib region. They agreed to make more efforts to ensure the stable normalization of the situation in the de-escalation zone of Idlib and its surroundings, including the humanitarian situation.
8- Expressed its deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in Syria and all unilateral sanctions that are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law and the United Nations Charter, including discriminatory measures through the issuance of exemptions for certain areas that It can lead to the disintegration of this country by helping separatist agendas, they rejected. In this regard, they asked the international community, especially the United Nations and its humanitarian agencies and other governmental and non-governmental international institutions, to increase their aid to all of Syria with greater transparency, away from discrimination, political work and preconditions.
9- Once again they stated their opinion that the Syrian conflict has no military solution and can only be resolved through the Syrian-Syrian political process with the facilitation of the United Nations according to the UN Security Council Resolution (2254).
In this regard, they emphasized the important role of the Constitutional Committee, whose formation is the result of the sure participation of the guarantors of Astana and the implementation of the decisions of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi.
on his readiness to support the work of the committee through continuous interaction with its members and the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syrian affairs, Ghir O. Pederson as a facilitator to ensure the sustainable and effective functioning of the subsequent committee meetings.
They expressed the opinion that the committee in its work should respect the rules of reference and the rules of procedure in order to be able to carry out its mission in the direction of preparing and drafting constitutional amendments for popular approval, as well as achieving progress in its work with the spirit of compromise and constructive interaction without external interference and externally imposed timings with the aim of reaching the general agreement of the members. They stated that the activity of the Constitutional Committee should be free of any logistical and administrative obstacles.
10- They stated their determination to continue the operation of mutual release of detainees/kidnapped persons within the framework of the relevant working group in the Astana process. They emphasized that this working group is a unique mechanism that is effective in building trust between the Syrian parties and its existence is necessary, and they decided to take measures to continue efforts to free the arrested and kidnapped and increase the scope of operations in accordance with the agenda of the working group for handing over the bodies and identifying the missing persons.
11- While clarifying that refugees and internally displaced persons have the right to return and the right to support, they emphasized the need to facilitate their voluntary and safe return to their main residences in Syria. In this regard, they asked the international community to provide appropriate assistance in order to resettle them and return to normal life and take more responsibility in order to participate in strengthening aid to Syria, including the development of basic recovery plans including basic infrastructure to especially water, electricity, health, treatment, education, schools, hospitals, etc. - and undertake humanitarian demining according to international humanitarian law.
12 - Condemned the continuation of the Zionist regime's military attacks on Syria, including on civilian infrastructure. They considered these attacks as a violation of international law, international humanitarian law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, as well as destabilizing and intensifying tension in the region. on the need to comply with internationally recognized legal decisions, including the provisions of relevant United Nations resolutions rejecting the occupation of the Syrian Golan, especially United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 497, which invalidate all decisions and actions taken by the Zionist regime in this regard legal effect is considered, they emphasized.
13- In addition to the Syrian issue, they emphasized their intention to strengthen tripartite coordination in various fields in order to increase joint political and economic cooperation.
14 - They agreed to oblige their representatives to hold the 19th international meeting of Syria within the framework of the Astana process by the end of 2022.
15 - They decided to hold the upcoming tripartite meeting of the leaders of the Astana process at the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin at the earliest possible opportunity in the Russian Federation.
16 - The Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey expressed their sincere gratitude to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Excellency Mr. Sayyed Ibrahim Raisi, for graciously hosting the tripartite meeting of the leaders of the Astana process in Tehran.

Story Code: 255919

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