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Road Accident in Baghlan

16 Jul 2022 - 11:20

In a car collision, 8 people lost their lives, and 11 others were injured in Pul-e-khumri.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, The incident occurred in Khuwaja Alwaan site between Samangan-Pul-e-Khumri highway, said Assadullah Mustafa Hashemi director of Information and Culture of Baghlan to Bakhtar News Agency.

Medics at the Baghlan provincial hospital, reported the health condition of the injures alarming, adding the 8 bodies brought to the hospital from a late Thursday Road accident.

Qari Mohammad Nazir Abid in charge of Baghlan Traffic blamed the reckless driving and non-compliance with traffic laws behind the road accidents on north highways.

Story Code: 255718

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