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Pakistan made the continuation of coal import from Afghanistan conditional on its price reduction

7 Jul 2022 - 9:11

Pakistani authorities have said that they will continue to import coal from Afghanistan on the condition that the price will decrease.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Pakistani media reported that Miftah Ismail; The Minister of Finance and Revenue of Pakistan has said that the import of coal from Afghanistan will continue if there is a reduction in its price.
He said that they will continue the import process when it is economically and commercially beneficial for them.
Two weeks ago, the prime minister of Pakistan had ordered that Afghan coal be purchased in Pakistani rupees and its import from Afghanistan should also increase.
The prime minister of Pakistan had added that the import of coal from Afghanistan has economic savings of 2.2 billion dollars for that country.
It is said that Afghan coal is exported to Pakistan at $170 less than the world price.
This issue caused widespread criticism inside Afghanistan, and as a result, the economic commission of the government imposed a 30% higher tax on coal exports. After these criticisms, the price of each ton of coal increased to 200 dollars.
At the same time, the Pakistani media has quoted officials of this country as saying that the import of coal from Afghanistan is a direct business transaction in the form of a sector, and they have not signed any contract with the Afghan government in this regard.
Pakistani officials have said that the government of that country will encourage the private sector to import coal from Afghanistan and facilitate better border management and transportation through the development and expansion of railways.
This is despite the fact that coal extraction and export to Pakistan has been increasing in an unprecedented way in the last few months. It is said that a large part of the people's income and the government's budget are provided in this way.

Story Code: 255373

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