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The Great Assembly of Afghans

خبرگزاری Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 5 Jun 2022 - 10:34

According to the Taliban deputy spokesman, the plan to hold a "Great Assembly of Afghans" has not yet been finalized and work is underway. According to him, after the completion of the plan and its approval by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate, the date of the meeting will be announced.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Anamullah Samangani, Deputy Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, said that work is underway to hold the meeting and that it will be sent to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate in Kandahar after the meeting is finalized.
Enamullah Samangani says: After Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzadeh approved the plan to hold the meeting, the date of the assembly will be announced.
However, it is said that the political commission of the Islamic Emirate is working on a plan to convene an Afghan group and consult and discuss some issues with them.
The political commission of the Islamic Emirate added: "A big meeting of the Afghan National Assembly is scheduled to be held in Kabul in the near future with the presence of politicians. Work is currently underway on the plan to hold this meeting."
Officials at the Islamic Emirate say that political experts have "welcomed the plan with conditions and conditions and consider it necessary to hold this meeting in order to get out of the current problems."
It is not yet clear what the agenda of the Assembly of Afghans is.

Story Code: 253795

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