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Zemarai Paikan Arrested By Security Forces in Kabul

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA) , 23 Aug 2020 - 8:36

Zemarai Paikan, a former commander of the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF) who was sentenced to prison for corruption, has been arrested by security forces early Sunday morning in Kabul, a source said.

Tariq Arian, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry has confirmed his arrest but did not provide further details. 
Paikan was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison for killing a police officer, misuse of authority, and corruption.  
On December 15, 2019, President Ghani, while speaking at an annual anti-corruption conference at the Presidential Palace ordered Masoud Andarabi, the acting interior minister, to arrest Paikan on charges of corruption. 
“Zemarai Paikan has changed the public protection force into a source of corruption,” Ghani had said: “The arrest of such as person is an order for you, Mr. Interior Minister, and it must be implemented.” 
Ghani added that people like Paikan are “damaging Afghanistan’s name.”

Story Code: 217296

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